
When the scrum team complains in the last three to four sprint retros that were sick of back to back meetings ... MAYBE STOP SCHEDULING BACK TO BACK MEETINGS. Would it kill you to just spread them out a bit?

  • 2
    My experience (only about 6month in agile methodologies). If specs are well done and stories are well written you have less meetings.

    Meetings tend to reflect poor sprint preperation (not anticipating side effect of features and their implementation, forgetting parts of features kind of stuff.)
  • 2
    Back to back meetings? That sounds like one of my days last week.

    But they were all different business related meetings, only 1 of the 9 (same day) meetings had to do with the current sprint.
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    Dude it's 2019 (or soon 2020) so please ditch scrum already and have kanban-scrum style model with less meetings.
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    There was an article about a japenese company who charged their employees or manager like 200 dollars an hour for meeting rooms.

    Meetinges declined and productivity increased.

    No joke
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