
hey devranters, I want a beautiful Linux distro for a friend, any suggestions on the prettiest DEs out there?

  • 7
    Deepin is the most elegant.

    It's also Chinese owned, take of that as you will.

    After that, well it's linux, make it pretty,
  • 5
    Plain ol' command line interface
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    @alexbrooklyn terminals reign supreme
    i have a nice theme for cool retro teen that makes it look like a neon sign thingy
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    other than that i'm a big fan of customizing xfce and/or i3
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    Define beautiful
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    Beauty is in the eye of beholder xD
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    Deepin and Manjaro are my top distros.
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    Define pretty… for me, pretty is anything that is low-key with little visual clutter. Light-weight also helps. I was a fan of Crunchbang before it went under. Now I'm in the process of trying Void Linux, and adapting it so it looks and feels similar to Crunchbang.

    My wife uses Linux Mint MATE, it looks/feels all right, and mostly just works.
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    I highly suggest taking a look at /r/unixporn
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    Bodhi is pretty (they use a fork of Enlightenment, which is all about lightweight bling). I also recently discovered the Amethyst theme for KDE Plasma, and am in love. (It's easy to install, and makes my Manjaro install look amazing.)

    Of course, there's always the option to set up a system that supports compiz. I know XFCE still does, and I wouldn't be surprised if mate does as well.

    Otherwise it's pretty much finding a good theme, and Plasma has good ones. (I've been away from the GTK side of things for a while, and it's showing.)
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    @RememberMe remember, it's "in" the eye of the beholder. This can mean that it's in the interior of the eye (in which case the beauty might not be obvious to an observer and the rest of the beholder can be ugly), or it can mean that the beholder judges what it sees to be beautiful (in which case it doesn't matter what the beholder looks like at all, because the beholder is applying a standard of beauty to its surroundings and is irrelevant to what is beautiful beyond being able to see).
  • 1
    @powerfulparadox gracias amigo xD
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