Hey iPhones, why don’t you support PWAs.

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    Nothing should support those
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    iOS has had support for PWAs since iOS11. That was like 2 years ago now.

    Maybe something specific you're trying to do in a PWA isn't working on Safari?
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    @yellow-dog Disagree

    @C0D4 Probably more to do with the add to home screen not being viable in Safari? Idk, they are supported though.
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    @odite 🀷‍♂️it's there though.

    It's a little hidden (you got to scroll to find it) in the share menu.

    @nishantwrp fill us in with why you believe it's not supported?
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    @C0D4 Maybe its supported but the performance is not up to the mark at all.
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    @nishantwrp because apple does do that on purpose to piss off microsoft and their pwa electron strategy. Microsoft wants to deep integrate electron into windows so that developers can write windows apps as pwa.
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    @heyheni that awkward moment when you look up which company "created" PWA's then look back at this rant πŸ˜…
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    One reason Microsoft bought github is electron. It's their strategy to integrate electron into windows. That's the reason edge switched to chromium, MS Office is now a webapp and vs code runs in electron. In order to make use of that microsoft needs all the features the pwa apis has to offer and making developers comfortable to use it. Apple's conscious decision to not implement all features of pwa has the goal to discredit pwa and thus keeping devs away from pwa. With the sole goal to piss off microsoft.
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    @yellow-dog @dontbeevil Why hate pwas? Honestly I see a lot of apps that could easily become pwas and sabe tons of memory in old phones, imho they are a good chance to slow down phone obsolescence
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    @heyheni It’s more of an AppStore thing but ok

    PWA’s were proposed by google, it barely has to do with Microsoft
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    @dmonkey Ok when are we switching to chromeOS?

    A (offline available) native app will ALWAYS use up less storage space and have a smaller memory footprint than any thing that even remotely looks at chromium
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    @fuckwit We'll see in about 5 years
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    @fuckwit Indeed, but with good integration a lot of that can be removed, which makes it a good choice when you consider time-to-market.
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    And I'm happy with pwas getting ever more widespread because this combined with its lightweight nature gives the Linux desktop a (relatively) huge tailwind.
    In fact I'd go as far to say that there won't be another chance this good for it to become a significant and well-supported option.
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