
The Raspberry Pi is the most fun toy I've bought in ages. And this is coming from a guy who has 700+ games in his steam library, with dozens of midi equipment lying around.

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    I need an upgrade to mine...
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    You can also try an arduino. 😉
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    Arduino is actually a perfect compliment to the Raspberry Pi actually.
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    What projects do you recommend for the Pi3? All I could come up with so far, was running some servers for Minecraft and Windward on it. I would like to try something that involves actually programming the Pi.
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    @Makenshi Honestly, I'm trying to get it to water my plants haha.

    So simple use case is :

    11am, if temperature > 30 degrees, and humidity less than 30%, then turn on the water sprinkler for 15 minutes.

    Likewise at 3pn.

    At the same time, I'm attempting to get a simple node js web server up and running so I can monitor whether the Pi is doing its job, and trigger it manually to turn on the pipe.

    I suppose if you have only the Raspberry Pi base model, there's only so much you can do with it.

    Look into getting those HAT addons, that usually gives you a lot of ideas.

    Another pretty fun thing to do is to try to make it to interpret actual spoken language, and do some action as requested. There's libraries available for this but I've yet to deep dive into the implementation to comment how accurate it is.

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    @kileak there is actually a full amazon alexa port for it from one of amazons devs
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    @davidmaerz really? Coool! Here is the link I think: https://github.com/alexa/...
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