
When Java is your first language and you are learning python as your second: 90% of errors due to your fingers automatically adding ; at the end of every line of code. :/

  • 2
    This happens to me quite frequently as a newbie python learner with a c# background
  • 0
    How are you getting on? I am finding the learning curve so steep! (But then, my Java is also pretty rusty.) I hadn't realized just how much my problem-solving thinking was shaped by Java idioms.
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    Maybe it's my IDE or something, but I keep getting syntax errors for them. It's driving me up three walls and out the door.
  • 1
    Same story bro
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    I forgot so fast about the semicolons when I learned Go, I had more trouble starting to write C/C++/Java again after some time only writing Go code...
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    I wonder what did you write, because python has similar syntax like C. Except for-loop syntax, imports, types and semicolons.
  • 2
    Python is love. Python is life. I also came from Java. God, that was horrible language to start programming. Almost lost my interest in it. Python after Java seems like writing plain text. Ifs, fors, lambdas everywhere and you get exactly what you asked for. Without looking at documentation. Just talking Python.
  • 1
    I honestly think Java's clunkyness helps understanding basics in programming. I wouldn't want to use it anymore but it's okay to start with.
  • 1
    I have this issue every other week.
    Spend a full day with our python build scripts and then when I go back to C# the next day it takes a whole damn day of compiler errors to reteach the brain to add the semicolons back again.
  • 1
    We're on the same boat! As an advice of safety net, do not forget to reassign your varaiables when you change anything in them through some instance method! I lost a whole day the other day because of that
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