
I started at a tiny Web firm as a front-end dev. I was OK at it at best. Only 6 months in to this part-time job (I was also a firearms instructor), the only backend developer left. I was then forced to pick up a book to learn ColdFusion 8. I had to finish a project for a multi billion company... even though I only knew basic queries and form submissions. At the end of the project I learned so much... I went back to pages that I knew were terrible and refactored them. Since there are so fresh CF developers I was able to get contract positions in many places. Over 6 months later I now work for one of the largest development companies in the states.

  • 0
    Hardwork does pay off. This post is inspiring me to carry on with learning how to code and be proficient with it. Thanks dude!
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    I noticed I said 6 months. It was supposed to be 6 years haha.
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    Hahahaha. Still! Well done dude. :)
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    @Jase it is. It's mostly used by the government now.
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    @Jase The government loves windows based software. Also CF was originally designed to develop complete systems very fast with little amount of knowledge on programming. Now, it's robust and even have open source versions of it (Lucee). I think CF could be more popular than it is if adobe took the time to market it.
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    Pure ColdFusion or using some kind of framework?
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