
2016 and I'm still having a dual core and 3gb of RAM on my computer.

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    That's not real problem! Can you finish any work that need to be done on such computer? You can? I don't see a problem.

    P.S. My main (and most powerful) machine is dual core box with 8GB of RAM.
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    @firusvg I think I need more RAM at least.
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    Depends on what you are doing but I think most devs need much more.
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    @Guglio You should upgrade the RAM if you can.

    As for the dual core part, most current mobile CPUs are dual core but with HT. My 6200U is a hyper-threaded dual core.
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    Use visual studio 2015? You'll never have enough memory or CPU speed :(
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    @snypenet I'm trying to install it right now, but It looks like it doesn't go to work.
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    Still better spec than mine. ..
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    @dance2die I'm sorry :( do you atleast have an ssd?
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    @Guglio I heard people have plenty of issues with installing it. I heard 2017 is supposed to fix all of the performance issues and bugs that came with 2015.
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    @snypenet I hope so. I'm having problems with the installation.
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    @Guglio I've had better luck only installing the base stuff, .net, c++ etc. Then installing the mobile and other packages as I use visual studio.
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    It makes sense if you are developing apps for embedded systems! Lol. The lack of system resources is a real test case you can use!
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    @soybeanpirate nice lol, glass half full way of thinking. From my experience, in embedded development you either run the code directly on the device it's being developed for or in a sim.
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    @snypenet True. I usually sandbox the application so that I can write and build it architecturally agnostic. I catch the most obvious bugs on the host machine, and then the less apparent ones on the target board. Because I'm lazy when it comes to cross compiling apps, deploying on an SD card, booting the board and fixing bugs, over and over again. Laziness has saved me so many hours of dev time! Hahaha
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    @snypenet Nope. I have ultra ata. Not even SATA.
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    @Guglio There is no such thing as enough RAM, so, yes. ;)
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    Sounds like a MacBook
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    I code in my phone
    (In an app called termux)
    I dont even own a laptop dude lol
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    Probs need more ram granted, but most ultrabooks from 2016 are still being released with dual core processors. It matters not about how many cores, but about speed and generation.
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