
Worst meeting:
Trying to decide which front end JavaScript framework to use.
Debated about Knockout, Angular, React, etc.
Decision: Too fat frameworks, DIY using jQuery. I wonder how big and unstable is our DIY framework. Is it even a framework? Just few organically written script files.

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    How about Vue :p
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    @lotd This meeting happened earlier this year, we were not aware of Vue. I personally just came to know about it yesterday from devRant. It looks very promising and probably easier to convince manager to adopt some common framework on all project, much like jQuery.
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    What's so fat about React? With ReactDOM and Redux it boils down to 42kb gzipped.
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    @orijin it's not my opinion, but my manager's.
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    @navi i know! Didn't mean to sound offensive. Tought you got an explanation for that :-)
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    @orijin not offensive at all.
    We are told not explained why a decision is taken even though we have to explain why we think something else is better.
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