
Living life with regular work (8 hours per day, programming) and studying CS for masters degree is fucking disaster... I cant wait for end, all I do is fucking thinking. All I have is this one hour when I go to the gym and some time with my gf... I'm afraid when this ends (5 weeks) I wont know what to do in my spare time... Oh I know! Writing my masters thesis....

  • 3
    Exactly same fucking story here :( but I have 5 months ahead before deadline of masters thesis and I have no idea what to write.
    I want to explore RxJava deeply and its operators with mathematical calculations but it seems it needs a hard work and after office and dating gf, I have no energy and time to do this. :(

    Good luck dude.
  • 0
    @tatocaster I just hope that it's worth after all... I think we will become workaholics because we will get used to work all the time 🤓
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