
What do you call a developer that fixes bugs or add enhancements?

For example, I have , like two projects, none developed by me, I have to add enhancement/ fix bugs when the issues/change-requests arrive.

Now I am preparing my cv and I am like what do I write for these particular projects?

Don't feel right writing developer for these projects since it gives the impression I developed the entire thing. Co-developed does not sound right either. Maintenance? Now it feels more like server operations than anything to do with code. Bug Fixer? Sure got a nice ring to it, but it does not feel professional.

So guys, any ideas?

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    Winston Wolf
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    Engineer? Application maintenance is still part of our jobs. Sadly every job can't be new development!
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    how about New bugs maker?
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    Are you capable of making new features? A developer is a developer, if you understand code then surely it doesn't matter what you call it?
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    90% of software development is maintenance/bug fixing. If you only ever write new stuff, and never maintain or have to debug it that is when you should doubt whether you deserve the developer title.
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    Nested dev
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    Developer. You were developing whether you created it or not. No need to be humble on a CV, no one else is.
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    You're a developer. You had to understand the code, recreate bugs, and implemented (read developed) solutions. I'm sure you then tested these bug fixes. Sounds like a developer to me!
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