
Okay lets write this before i go mad...

I'm one of those guys who says "use the os which suits you the most, or you're most familiar with", and i'v always been a windows guy, didn't really have any reason to use linux, because for school stuff, or programming (java and android and c) windows was great enough...

BUT MOTHERF@CKERS at microsoft, i'v had enough...
First my handheld computer goes nuts, because windows is eating 80% of processor, and if i fix it, then some other kind of windows related thing eats up that much, and you know what? I've been okay with that, because thats only a handheld computer, but boy, didn't my main computer start to do the same?!?
I cannot do anything, basically i start something trivial up (by trivial i mean trivial, like idk, a texteditor not even a browser, or an ide or anything that would take a bit of more ram) and my computer cant do shit....

I'm so mad.... Currently installing elemantary os... F@ck this shit i'm out...

(And lets not forget the hours of 'updates' which dont do shit....)

  • 6
    One of the best Windows rants. MS is screwing up big time. Windows is just turning out to be a horrible horrible OS to "handle"
  • 5
    +1 for elementary os
  • 6
    Good, good. Let the hate flow through you.
  • 2
    @dontPanic so Linux is the Dark Side?
  • 1
    Good boy #linuxmasteros
  • 1
    Elementary is really nice man, have fun.
  • 2
    Welcome to elementary os!
  • 2
    I follow a lot of Linux journalism, etc, and this is the only tech site where I see elementary mentioned so often. Out of curiosity, why the newfound love for EOS? It's a good ecosystem, but honestly still very new. So new users won't find as much support as Ubuntu, but if they're OK with digging in I'm sure an answer for Ubuntu will work on EOS 90/100 cases.

    The only theory I have is that it resembles MacOS, where a lot of converts come from. Under the hood it's a descendent of Ubuntu... No holy wars here, just curious. 😉 Thanks!
  • 2
    Sounds like Windows 10, am I right? Win 7 works fine for me. My 8GB of RAM and AMD CPU get me really far with no perceivable lag. I run Photoshop AND Chrome with no hiccups whatsoever. Same thing for video editing and some moderate gaming.
  • 1
    @kshep92 Yeah, of course win 10 :) Win 7 worked like a charm, but throughout the last summer i took the upgrade option... and now in retrospect i shouldnt have...
  • 1
    @TktStatusPICNIC thanks! It's been a theory for a while, and I think they nailed two key ingredients: community involvement and a great UI.

    Most people will want something that's getting closer and closer to a tablet. They don't care about the latest GCC release, what kernel they're on or how many development tools are available. They want Chrome and a fast experience. Developers, gamers, and hobbyists are only a small fraction of the market.

    I have tried it multiple times, my current laptop has a dedicated 1070 so nouveau won't work on it. I'm not sure if EOS supports the proprietary drivers yet or not, last I looked they didn't. It's actually a horrible PC to try live boots on because you have to make it through install on the basic kernel fb, then install from Nvidia. The i7 is dedicated to computing/ no graphics API. That's one reason why I didn't mind setting up Arch on it - straight terminal for about an hour, then beautiful Gnome : )
  • 1
    I needed to use W10 for some time but I had similiar problems as you. 80% cpu, 100% disk usage by win updates for 20mins...spawning randomly. I was getting used to that at class I spent 20mins staring at wall before I was able to do something. But I had enough when it spawned in the middle of the movie I was watching at home and the computer totally froze... not like in Linux where you have updated OS and all installed SW in two minutes when YOU run the updates.
  • 0
    Welcome to the linux side man. Good choice on elementary os.
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