Oh god! Why did I change to Ubuntu!!! This machine is running hotter and slower!!! Battery drains faster than ever!

There's no going back to windows 10... looking back, I love windows 10 despite its faults :')

Did anyone else experience the same? First thing I'm doing in the morning is install arch linux

  • 1
    Linux hasnt highest priority by the manufacturers.
  • 2
    Arch isn't necessarily better for easy compatibility with laptops
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    Unity is horrible, have you tried the others?
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    I am waiting for Solus to be more ubuntu like (compatibility wise)
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    @Wallpaper I tried enlightment, not much improvement. Well now on to Antergos
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    @killermenpl yes, but will it be light enough to have a machine running smoother?
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    @DLMousey the only thing I know it's a 8core intel i7-26--MQ, 8gb ram in a samsung laptop dating back to 2010.

    I managed with lubuntu! Running quite normal. Ubuntu is just a big heavyweight!

    Still itching for that Arch tho, I'm really attracted to AUR. But I face enough challenges as a Linux newb so I'll stick with what I have for now.. Or will I ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
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    @runfrodorun and thank you for your insight, sincerity and wisdom!

    Everyday I am ever more curious with how this works :)
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    And that's why I didn't completely removed Windows😇
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    Hey guys.For all you care, I ended up with Lubuntu (ubuntu using lightweight desktop environment lxde) with arc-theme, numix-circle icons and to control for temperature and battery life, simply installed tlp and thermald.

    As a minimalist who just wants coding tools on my laptop, I'm really happy with this setup and it runs better than windows :)
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