React Native
Mobile Angular
Onsen UI
jQuery Mobile
Corona SDK
Intel SDK
Kotlin Mobile...

I'm tired of this piece of shit!
Why are we hitting a nail with chainsaws?
If the hardware/os companies cannot come together to accept a single language, they can all go fuck themselves!!!

  • 3
    I love you

    Fuck react vs angular vs web vs php vs node vs django vs express vs wcf vs wpf vs win forms vs f# !!!!
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    Speed of creating shit is more important for them.
  • 2
    @iiii oh the deja vu !
  • 2
    @dontbeevil if that was the case... Xamarin would have been the preferred choice but in reality it sucks.
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    @dontbeevil alot is possible but i dunno bout that. not without some doing and I primarily use c#
  • 1
    I fancy my chances with C# and regularly study it, doing tutorials etc, but my day to day work doesn't feature it at all, all of our websites are WordPress, running on php/mySQL as typical of most small web design agencies in my area.
  • 1
    I agree, they should all just use OCaml everywhere for everything.
  • 3
    Yeah, right, this is ridiculous.
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    so all these big brains in the comments, what do you want? write a native code base for every separate platform you want your shit on? have fun with that
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    @fullstackchris you don’t always have to do that depends on what you’re doing

    Personally I was more annoyed at all the varying crap I’ve seen in job requirements over the years

    Some new interpreter or library that does the same crap as some other

    And then it gets obsoleted
  • 1
    Not to let optimism get in the way of a good rant or anything; but if you look into Kotlin Multiplatform, it does seem genuinely more compelling than anything that's gone before: for a start it doesn't try to do too much in the sense that it doesn't own the whole Dev process; it's a shared library within Native Dev. Also the ecosystem has a broader reach to Web and Desktop. JetBrains are building an ecosystem worthy of attention. Last but not least; Kotlin isn't JavaScript.
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    I’ve always compared the kind of management that chooses the development tools to someone giving a plumber a set of electricians tools to do their job.

    Whenever you release an application, you’ll eventually need someone who understands that platform on a fundamental level. For a simpler example, even Google’s Android engineers admitted they didn’t really understand why location services were required for Bluetooth Low Energy.

    That said there are some fundamentally “shareable” elements when it comes to algorithms. I do think Kotlin multi platform has great potential, if used wisely.

    If we leave emotion at the door and explain why quality is the goal and rushing out with bad software is a bad idea, then maybe native development has a chance.
  • 0
    Youre vote for Java everywhere and for everything has been counted. Thanks.
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