
Not sure if he wants to code or save Gotham with this setup

  • 0
    @LeFlawk it's a joke , dose it seem offensive ? if so i would remove it and apologize!
  • 1
    With that laptop he could only save code... Gotham will never run on this piece of crap laptop...
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    Batman will do that!😎
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    He wants to code because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
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    It's a pretty basic / nice setup to code. nothing Batman or Bruce Wayne about it.
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    @masterdoctor thnx man.... never knew that there's a "dark side" lolz
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    @JerreMuesli me be troll? :(
  • 6
    Child's play. This is the office at my last job. We were trying to save the world 😉
  • 2
    @blackmarket cable management not even once.. 😂😂
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    I've got a five monitor (including two laptops) a the the moment 😄
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    Im pretty sure if he is saving gotham, all those screens will be on dark mode.
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