
This is a reminder for the people that keep saying ApPle CarEs FOr My priVacY BeCausE thEy stoPed 3rD PartY aPps fRoM cOllEcTiNg mY dAta

  • 9
    No significant amount of people are going to buy another one as backup... that makes no sense.
  • 8
    @N00bPancakes no significant > almost no one.

    You are underestimating apple fanboys
  • 7
    @mundo03 long ago, I came across this and made a post on LinkedIn. One of my connections (who is very smart), replied to my post and taught me something interesting.

    Form over function.

    Apple is trying to make their products aesthetically better at the cost of usage.

    This is one classic example.

    Also, the context in your post on privacy is irrelevant to mice design discussion.

    And the narrative that a user will purchase a backup mice is stupid. Yes, there are instances when corporates design stuff to make you purchase more but the amount of thought process goes into anything is too high to make such decisions and designs so often.

    Yes, Apple's ecosystem and community is very toxic and full of annoying hipsters but let's not forget that there are good users who genuinely make the most of Apple's products.

    I am not advocating Apple but something I learned from @Kiki is you don't need a community's validation to use any product.
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    Apart from that, I personally hate Apple after Jobs left.
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    @Floydimus the priVacY part is a new topic, unrelated to the mice, people seem to forget apple does not do shit if there isn't money to be made.

    About design over function, I get it, but that does not explain why apple makes all their products to break, like their cables, chargers, batteries, screens, even slows down all of their computing products with new OS updates.

    So yeah, I sustain it, apple does asshole design, they prioritize money over design and function.
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    @N00bPancakes are you an apple fanboy?
    Apple exists because Jobs faked a computer to get acquired, and you think they will not exploit their fanboys?
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    No one does shit if there is no money involved in it, including you and me.

    I agree that Apple makes products that fail soon but so does every other company. Samsung, Xaomi, and other companies build more crappy products for the price range.

    Apple is more like Rolls Royce, there's a word for it that I forgot, where they make products for elite class who believe more expensive == better quality/status quo.

    The irony is, a company that started as the most counter culture org became one of the most mainstream brands.
  • 3
    @Floydimus the problem is apple does not offer the service Rolls-Royce or other premium brands offer.
    They only do marketing to make people play make believe.

    If their products performed, were supported and had actually premium features, I wouldn't be hating them so much.

    Btw, I do think during Job's period things were actually premium and the price was justified.
    Nowdays, it is all fame and bullshit
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    @mundo03 I agree. However, alone is not to be blamed.

    Apple does it because, as a consumer, allow them to do it by purchasing their products and complying with their asshole policies.

    This is primarily because american consumerism mindset.
  • 3
    I have yet to see a person who owns two of those.

    - Doesn't the user get a battery warning?
    - A fully charged mouse can be used for about a month.

    Yes, the design is shitty, and Apple is a shitty company in many ways.
    But "an Apple user has to buy two of those" is one of the stupidest arguments I have read.
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    you can buy iMac with touchpad and don’t have that useless mouse. you’ll buy a Logitech one anyway.
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    @ostream it’s very uncomfortable mouse, why bother?
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    @Floydimus that’s my boy! 💪
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    What I don’t like about Apple is this obsession with making everything thinner. They constantly show side profile pictures. What do I care how thin my desktop is? Double the height of the Mac mini and shove a bunch of ports in it. Why do I care how tall it it?

    But, it’s hard to argue that the M1 chip isn’t innovation.
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    That's Apple. I have come to associate "think different" with "you have to be brainwashed to find these engineering fails even remotely accepptable, let alone shell out premium money for this garbage".
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    @platypus Yeah it's quite impressive that TSMC has managed to get 5nm ready for production.
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    Idk there is no apple in my universe. :D I have successfully ignored it all my life. Now I received a company iPhone what I only use to read the rsa login code. :D
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    @sbiewald I had that mouse at my last place of work, didn’t really mind it. You get a warning at quite some good time ahead, I think like 10-15%. So you could plug it in before leaving after work, or if you neglect it for too long and it dies on you, a quick charge of 5 minutes gives you plenty of charge to last the day/ week. For those 5 minutes you can go for a stretch and piss.

    I do that with my wireless headphones, whenever I forget to charge it after work, and it dies during the workday, I plug it in whilst I get some coffee and stretch my legs, when I get back, it has enough charge to last me the day
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    Can anyone remember the last time their mouse ran out of power? Was it the end times?

    Did you go buy another mouse?
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes I remember, it was a few months ago, my MX Master 3 ran out of battery, I just plugged it in and went for a longer coffee break.

    Though I kinda can say I bought another mouse too, as I have two MX Master 2S' at home. When one of them ran out of battery, I picked up the other one.
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    @ChainsawBaby are you ruch or something? Richer than apple fanboy
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    Anyone met a big tech company that was good?
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    @qbalsdon the one company who's motto was "Don't be evil"

    Then removed it to avoid being hypocritical
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    @mundo03 lol I started make a list, and Google was first on the list of hypocrisy
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    @mundo03 nah. Just a very disposable income and little overhead.
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    @ChainsawBaby invest then, or just send some to me
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    It's the triangle of bullshit:

    Insecure (ads, saying, vulnerabilities, etc), fragile, or expensive.

    Pick two. At least two. And rarely less than two.

    "Well supported" also generally isn't also on that list unless it also falls under "expensive".
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