Github vs Gitlab vs Gitee vs Bitbucket Vs Self Host

Which on you prefer and why?

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    It's less a question of "prefer"… more a question of what to achieve with the resources at hand.

    Bitbucket is one of the better products of Atlassian, but it's expensive and minus all other (shitty) Atlassian products it's kinda pointless. Atlassian has gone to the cloud and imho this is a no-go. Plus the worst customer support and intransparent bug handling. And you pay for it... :)

    Gitea - never used it, but seems interesting and feature wise a sane choice. Plus it's in Go, so deployment shouldn't be hard. Try it out, test it, if it fits it stays.

    GitHub / GitLab - again, quite expensive.
    A lot of hidden costs, depending on the features you want and only GitLab offers an self hosting as far as I know.

    Cloud hosting / services - if done right - are quite expensive, as you will need some more nitty gritty bitty to e.g. deal with sensitive data in a safe manner (e.g. keyrings / keys) and you need to have a deep understanding of an deployment pipeline and it's optimization so the costs for traffic etc. don't burn away your budget.

    Reason why I like self hosting ... As I work in a company with larger teams, it's easier to control and less of a bureaucratic / financial monster.

    When you don't need any fancy features and just want an GIT browser - use CGIT.

    Plain dumb simple. If you want more advanced features, look at Giteas feature map and imho start thinking about what you need, what license / traffic / hosting / service costs to expect and then make a decision wether you feel comfortable with it or not.
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    I was rather staying away from GitHub before they offered free private repos (for things that I don't necessarily want to share with everyone) and was using GitLab (the one that they host); now that GH offer private repos without going to their paid layer, I use it way more, although ironically enough, most (or all) of what I now have there is public. I don't care at all for CI/CD for the things I do, so all the bells and whistles that the different providers offer on top of just repos don't make a whole lot of difference for me.
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    @IntrusionCM That's really wide angle of perspectives. Nice.
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    Self-hosted Gitea for those who really want to feel like they own their data. After all, you can extend it with anything you wish, even if it comes to going away from it, it won't lock you in.

    GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket for hosting community software repositories, that is more proven to live long and for free - that is, if you make repos open. Not recommending cloud hosting for enterprise.

    Bitbucket sucks the most on this background, because they have an awful frontend experience - markdown renders incorrectly or with latency, and the level of convenience that GitHub Issues provide isn't there in a bit.
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    GitHub for work

    GitLab for personal .

    although GitHub now has free private repos and GH actions is a nice thing, but when you already have pipelines (ci/CD) in GitLab and have them working it's kinda a hard sell to migrate that all over 😔

    Bitbucket is pointless unless you connect it to Jira, and even then it's a matter of preference. Jira + GitHub works well to as long as your commits contain ticket numbers.
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    @dontbeevil oh. And you're bound to MS. Like forever.
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    @dontbeevil If you saw my post as a recommendation for atlassian... Ouch.

    And GitHub is still a stand alone complex, while Azure / Teams / Office is essentially everything MS consists of...
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    I don't really care, they're just tools. I use gitlab coz free private repos, if starting again I'd probably use github now.
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    I haven't gotten around to it yet but I've really been meaning to set up a self hosted gitea server for my personal projects.
    It's not that hard to do and I like to have things locally too.

    I would still mirror everything public with my GitHub but I would not be dependent on GitHub

    Edit: that's the nice thing about git, it's l compatible with each other no matter the server host. The only difference is the extra tooling like an issue tracker.
    Personally I wanna try the kanban board from gitea
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    GitHub for work.
    GitLab for personal.

    I haven’t looked into Gitea self hosted yet; haven’t had space for a server until recently, and using a VPS instead is just moving the issue.
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    Github for home (free piplines for open source)

    Gitlab for work (free and easy to setup self hosted pipline runner for unlimited private ci/cd)

    Bitbucket used before, and I would not recommend it even to my enemy. Buggy and laggy. Jira is a nightmare.
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    Github for my personal stuff, "Self-hosted" Gitlab for work.

    I've also used gitea and it works but is not as feature rich as github and not even close to gitlab.

    Edit: why? Well, github is the only platform if you want people to actually contribute and gitlab for work because that's what they have.
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    Used to use GitLab for the free private repos, now I use GitHub for the same reason. I thought about self-hosted solutions, but I don't trust anything I self-host to permanently store my data. If I used a self-hosted gitea instance I would just have the whole thing backed up to cloud storage somewhere anyway. Might as well just cut out the middleman and take advantage of GitHub's reliability.

    I suppose it's a little funny to talk about GitHub reliability so soon after a recent major outage this week, but it's still more reliable than self-hosting, overall.
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