Liferant. I feel annoyed If I compare my efforts to efforts of my "friends". I put 500% more in my self education, my career and professional life and I earn just a tiny bit more. I don't even know if I have friends anymore. We do not have a single thing common. While I want to develop, learn something, build something useful for people, they only want to drink, going out etc. Before we had some lan parties some game night but it was long ago. I lost any interest in travel and parties. I don't enjoy alcohol, I still consume it when I'm with them because there nothing else to do. I also become vegan about 2.5 years ago and those bbq`s are just pain in the ass. Plus I heard the sentence "show me your friends and I tell you your life" - uff.. I had never a single person who I knew personally and who has similar mindset like I do. Shall I start to look for friends? Even the thought feels kind of pathetic to me. I'm a freaking island in middle of the society who is trying to make it better but it's fighting against it with full force. I'm tired. I'm not suicidal and I still enjoy the life, but I'm crazy alone in what I like to do.

  • 4
    Time for a new group of friends.

    Cannot tell if it's your personality - but sounds like your friends have nothing in common with you.

    Go to social events, look online for real life meeting that spark your interest…

    Change is inevitable. Some friends might stick a life time, others don't. Simple equation.
  • 0
    While I agree with what the general line of thought of the people in this thread.

    You could also question if they know something you don't.

    Life is short, we're here only once, if you really want to make an impact, is going to take at least 20 years of effort, you already do something productive when you're working. Your daily grind times 20 years is going to pay off. So, maybe you deserve a couple of beers and a grilled vegetable while sharing funny moments with your drunk friends once in a while.
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