What's a wrapper class you ask?

  • 9
    So are we just reposting from reddit with a different title now then? 🤔
  • 11
    @NTripleOne well there's two ways to approach everything in this world. Be angry about everything. Or laugh because in the long run we'll be happier because of it.
  • 3
    Things are funny once and some even twice, however seeing reposts everyday gets old pretty quickly, specially when we're talking about images that get posted by a shit ton of people multiple times that are directly stolen from dev pages/subreddits with no credits in hope that it'll get them likes.
  • 2
    @eeeddr it was a first for me..
  • 1
    I wasn't really talking about this image in particular but reposts in general, and of course no matter how many times an image was posted, there will always be somebody that hasn't seen it yet. However, it doesn't make it new or fresh
  • 2
    Right. And I think @dfox already put a check on repost for images. So just relax and have fun.
  • 2
    <div class="newContent">
    <div class="repost">
    Check out this neat thing! ;)
  • 0
    Guys, why don't we approach this in a constructive way? How do we make "reposts" only show to people who never seen them? Obviously people will never stop reposting, intentionally or not, and others will never stop complaining, instead of skipping them..
  • 1
    I think dfox could implement some kind of image scanning technique that would tell people that particular image was already posted and show them the post(s), I'm pretty sure it's possible to do it, not sure how hard.

    People tend to post stuff from sites/pages they follow multiple times, if you don't complain they probably will do it again, complaining won't make them not post more but it does more than not doing so. But maybe that's just how I think...
  • 1
    @eeeddr complaining isn't going to stop people reposting things. Not any more than ignoring it will.

    Yes it's possible to write an image scanning algorithm and have it scan uploaded images and then query the database to find the posts and show them to the user. Do you want to write it?

    All you guys that complain about seeing reposts, why don't you make your own version of the app using the API and then you can filter out whatever nonsense you like or don't like.
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