Did anyone of you check the new Facebook Raymond shit?

Nightmare material.

Edit: https://youtu.be/_uOFWU4o3tw

  • 9
    The concept is cool but Facebook’s integration into the thing is concerning.

    For me, words like “encrypted”, “privacy” and such, are just a bunch of bullshit coming from Lizardberg’s mouth.
  • 3
    Who are they targeting?

    Creepy. Let’s remember Google Glass, although, that device had more functionality than this piece of shit. Also, I remember some brand selling sunglasses with built-in headphones. This seems to be on the same level. I mean, who would spend $300 on a device which does 2 things and probably doesn’t do good on any of those features - they’re probably way heavier than basic sunglasses and I doubt, that camera integration is that good anyways.
  • 4
    @yehaaw what's more concerning to me is random faggots with 2 brain cells will go around wearing this and filming everything.

    That would destroy mine and other's privacy who will filmed without consent.

    This iceberg motherfucker is invading our lives worse than Germany invading Poland.
  • 1
    @Floydimus Can't agree more.
  • 2
    Never read a post and thought, "I'm so happy I don't understand any of that."
  • 2
    Never heard Zuck speak before, his voice is even more robotic than his face.
  • 2
    @MM83 he's basically the evil counterpart of Data from star trek
  • 2
    @deadlyRants Lore.

    To the rest... As I said about project Aria.

    Government and terrorism will be delighted.

    A walking hackable realtime surveillance device that is an civilian.
  • 2
    Yeah, i'm not feeling this at all.
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