windows 10 update is the last straw that pushes me to get a mac. Just spent 2 hours trying to download an undownloadable update and unstuck a stuck update without luck. Seriously dealing w ms product is the most frustrating thing in the world ever

  • 6
    Oh sure, go to a system that makes you even more dependent on it.
  • 5
    Well if it comes to updates, Linux is the way.
  • 1
    You can as well install Linux on your current machine without buying the overpriced, usually badly engineered, and disposable crap that Apple produces.

    And what does this have to to with devRant? The "devrant" tag doesn't mean "developer rant" because obviously, there are only devs here, no finance, HR, and sales folks, so that EVERY rant is supposed to be a developer rant.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop well it's not a first time user's job to find out the difference between rant & devrant if the platform decides to show these options to them without any context?? Go kick up ur understanding on ux before going around pointing out stuff no one cares about to feel smart
  • 0
    @jespersh I've tried all other apple products iPhone, iPad, apple watch and have been liking them so far. I genuinely hope mac won't disappoint
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