
Hello everyone
I'm Android Developer, I want to create app related fashion and clothing. So I want to draw pants or shits with the given measurement of user in android. How can I do thag? Please help.
Thanks. Take care

  • 3
    you said you are an android dev. then you should know that. and if not you should know how to inform yourself on how to do that.
    this is not stackoverflow.

    we rant
  • 3
    Hmm, is there a formula that allows you to accurately picture shits of given user by their measurements? Now there’s a useless app I can see taking over the useless shits that are users.
  • 0
    Fuck you I thought Good developers always help each other but you are not developer nor a good person
  • 2
    @PM04 welcome to the real world where devs are people, too, not something you’ve idealised into having certain properties by default.

    We do like to help, though. It’s more a matter of how you ask your question. There are certain ways of asking that trigger us, since we hear that bs too often. Nothing guarantees help, however. It’s a matter of someone who can answer your question happening to see it and being willing to answer the way you put it. Capisce?

    We also like to take the piss on each other. You gave us a chance, we took it. If you have no sense of humor, maybe this place isn’t for you…

    I can’t help you. I’m not an Android dev and I know jack shit about the subject matter. That being said, it’s specific enough yet vague enough to be better asked somewhere else more meant for questions and answers, like SO or reddit or whatever else is out there. Have you tried googling?
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    I don't get the concept or the question.

    Am I supposed to input my measurements and then you draw some pants?

    I've never ever felt like I needed to see pants drawn in a particular size. They look pretty much the same regardless of size don't they?
    Or are you gonna draw some reference person next to them and assume it'll be possible to check which size fits you that way? I don't think that would be very useful.
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    @dontbeevil i think you need to yse HTML for that.
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    @PM04 I'll throw some advice in.

    The reason people are pissed is that you've thrown a very vague, open ended question at us, and said nothing about what you've done about it - implying that you just expect us to hand you the solution with minimal effort on your part i.e. you want us to do your work for you, for free. And then you try to school others on what you think a good developer should be (and with a totally unrealistic definition too) . Ask your question in a better way and you're guaranteed a better answer.

    What exactly are you trying to do? What are the inputs and outputs? Any constraints? What have you tried? What did you get stuck on? What architecture do you have in mind and what problems have you had/do you anticipate you'll have? Be specific and detailed.

    Respect other people's time and effort and you'll get great answers.
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