When you want to contribute but Stackoverflow says "fuck no".

  • 6
    @JerreMuesli I don't understand why that I can post an answer but not a comment to another answer. An answer takes more real estate on the page and probably draws more attention. A spammer would be more happy doing that. But all I want is humbly give a comment...
  • 6
    @lwhken there is a whole review queue for new users. I think doing the same for comments would require to much extra manpower
  • 6
    @ironedr So I moved my ass yesterday to pick some really simple questions asked by new users there. Now I have 51 reputation and I can comment everywhere :)
  • 0
    This is the worst part about stackoverflow, they allow you post answers without any reputation but comments require 50 rep. I think this increases spam alot more because answers are supposed to be thought-out and researched and helpful whereas comments should be used for small clarification and discussion. I think that the 50rep prerequisite needs to be lowered or removed as a whole.
  • 3
    @px06 as I said before new users answers or answers to old posts land in a review queue and are usually reviewed within minutes. Besides that you can downvote answers, which will lead to them vanishing rather quickly.
    I think it's fine as it is, you really have to think about why it is like it is.
  • 0
    @Kimmax downvoting answers -reps you hence alot of people flag instead of downvoting.
  • 2
    @px06 as far as I know a downvote reduces rep by 1-2 points. Soo well..

    Even flagging is appropriate (if there is a need to). Flags will get the answer (again) into a review queue where it will be checked. Same game.
  • 0
    I've always wanted to contribute to SO, but i find the barrier for entry too damn high 😫
  • 1
    lol fuck SO i still go there for help but no contribution. the whole thing became a cesspool of people doing all types f shit for reputation. editing for no good reason,

    Q: how can i make my class static.
    A: shownus the code or we can't help you


    Q: what's the best way to use bitwise
    X closed because too broad

    ... it's really aad to see this kind of reputation whoring destroying the community
  • 0
    I don't really understand why people like to bitch about StackOverflow. It's a great source of information, and if you play by the rules, you can have a great time. On the other hand, it's hell for lazy, indifferent people who don't want to put in any effort, but feel that everyone should help them with their poorly worded questions that shows zero research or effort. If you've spent any time in the review queues, you know what I mean. So, thank you @lwhken for taking the time and effort to become another useful member of SO :)
  • 1
    @Neftas Agreed. I hate people just post questions like "here's my code, debug for me".
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