
I know it’s old hat but…Edge…I mean really how is it still so bad? How do you base your browser of the chromium engine, have, gosh idk, a billion dollar dev budget, and still, still, it’s significantly worse than chrome in every ui/ux way.

  • 3
    what is "bad" ?

    I have video in new tabs
    I have vertical tabs
    I have full page to PDF transform
    My RAM is doing fine.
    I didn't see any page which is not working yet.

    So, please define, what is "bad" ?

    Oh yeah, and it's 2021 : Don't like it ? Don't use it :) easy
  • 2
    Edge is not bad. It's better than the default chromium and clones.
  • 2
    @NoToJavaScript I have tab groups too 🥺

    I don't know, Edge feels like a mix between FF and Chrome and doesn't want to consume my ram for now good reason.

    For a like for like.

    Jira Cloud login page:

    1 tab in chrome - no extensions
    35mb ram used

    1 tab in Edge - no extensions
    31mb ram used


    I'll open a ticket in Jira:

    1 tab in chrome - no extensions
    115mb ram used

    1 tab in edge - no extensions
    105mb ram used


    Tell me again how chrome is better, and in words someone thats used chrome since 2008 will be convinced otherwise.
  • 2
    @NoToJavaScript @C0D4 you both make valid points. And I can’t bash the performance of edge. For me it’s the tabs as separate Windows thing is a huge annoyance. But that’s possibly solved by tab groups. And I guess now most of the stuff, like the cooky news homepage and to a degree Bing, not because the results are bad but because the layout is not great in my opinion, can be changed with relative ease.

    I do think it is down largely to opinion on browsers now. I see your arguments for edge but my opinion is I don’t love the ui/ux nor I want to tweak it extensively. I guess chrome is just is like a commuter car, it drives how I expect it to drive. Not exciting, not the most performance. Edge is trying different stuff, which has gotten some more performance, but it doesn’t feel like I expected. Which seems bad, but is really not, it’s just different
  • 2
    @dontbeevil oh, I don't use alt+tab anymore since using Microsoft PowerToys I can just ctrl+tab and search for what ever I want and launch it.


    Comes in handy opening different codebases in vsCode too 🥳
  • 1
    I don't like it as well. Not because of the performance but the pushy shills from MS.

    - after a windows update i can't remove Edge from my Taskbar (without going into the registry)
    - the browser performance comparison graphic is just plain manipulative
    - Being forced to that news site if you don't configure it otherwise
    - the Integration with Bing is just plain annoying (yes not only on Edge)

    So it could have the best performance I'd still never use it.
  • 1
    @ngCry right the amount of begging the OS does to use it makes you almost wonder why it is so important. And makes me not want to use it to spite them. I wish the os would do os things and the browser would do browser things.
  • 0
    I blame bing
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