I mean I get it, its a massively complex game to run

  • 9
    well, it's a great fit, since both "among us" and "macs" are garbage.
  • 3
    Now Apple will have a hard time selling M2 based hardware. The horror.
  • 2
    @hjk101 m1===m2 in terms of architecture. the op has concerns with regards to intel chip
  • 1
    @dotenvironment that was the joke mate. Also it's the wrong terminology M1 != M2. Same as i5 != i7 they are product lines (the series in i5 would be a better comparison but hey). What they should have put in is ARM or Apple silicon for this audience.
    (Intel is a brand and not an architecture they didn't even make the x86_64 instruction set)
  • 0
    @tosensei Like StarCraft, it isn't really a game to play yourself. But it is a good game to watch others play it...
  • 0
    @hjk101 yeah i meant for softwares . they need to either support arm64 or x86 (or other architectures that am unaware of), so any app that runs in m1 will run in m2, even though m2 is a different product line with a slightly different architecture.
  • 1
    Here, fixed it for ya
  • 0
    @Oktokolo a game that's meant to be watched rather than played, in my book, literally _is_ a prime example of garbage by design.
  • 0
    @tosensei Lulz. First, it isn't meant to be watched rather than played by their devs. Like StarCraft, it is a good game, but way too stressful to play myself.

    And it wouldn't even be bad design to actually target streamers with a game. It helps a lot with advertising when your game is streamable (mostly boiling down to having something happening on screen all the time and game mechanics being relatively easy to grasp for viewers - and censor options for "adult" elements to avoid Youtube demonetarization or even age restriction).
  • 0
    @Oktokolo "And it wouldn't even be bad design to actually target streamers with a game" i wholeheartedly and completely disagree with this on every possible level.

    every little piece of effort that's going into "making your produkt more marketable" is effort that doesn't go into "making your product GOOD".

    which means that, from a developer perspective, it is _exactly_ bad design.

    it would be, however, a potentially not terrible design from a capitalist point of view - if your goal isn't to make a good game, but a good profit. (aka: the apple way)
  • 0
    @tosensei There is nothing immoral or wrong with (commercially or not) making games exclusively for streamers to play in their streams either as main or secondary. Making the game fun to watch would be the prime goal here. Achieving it would be "making the game good".

    Also, making the game more fun to play traditionally is "making your product more marketable" since social video platforms are a thing and you can't just bribe your way through the reviews anymore. So obviously, "making your product more marketable" can be the same as "making your product good".
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