
Pure art.

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    Java Editor is still a thing?!
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    @jackpearce ask @jonas-w
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    @jackpearce every school in my City uses this Editor haha

    The Java editor is written in Delphi by a guy that was an IT teacher at a high school (Gymnasium) in my city. He seems to be a cool guy, because he wrote some books he held many conferences about them thats why he often wasn't in the lessons and only was there via a chat room (this was probably over 20 years ago) and gave his pupils tasks via chat.

    (one of his students at the time told me about it)
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    @jonas-w that's interesting. Ours used to use codeblocks. What country are we talking about if you don't mind me asking?
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    @kiki Germany


    Didn't know that it is so well known in German Schools I saw it in School too but the Computer Science Courses were full and I didn't get in (changed Schools at that time) my "Gymnasium" didn't had the subject but there was an "AG" which I visited a few times but lost interest ^^'

    The pace was too slow and I didn't had the self discipline to teach myself ^^'
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    @jackpearce well idk how well known it is outside of its birth place haha

    The people that already used other IDEs once before never even bothered to touch it and installed the IDE of their preference on these PCs. Typically just 2-3 pupils used it but our teachers always used Java editor.
    But these guys learned to program 30-50 years ago with pascal, cobol and Basic, and probably are just happy to have some kind of IDE haha
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    Windows 95 GUI design is crisp, clean and discoverable. Best GUI design ever.

    But the document windows should really be split panes instead.
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    @Oktokolo I'm in love with Vista. Really. Unironically.
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    @kiki Vista till 7 are okay too. It really got bad from 8 onwards.
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    I won't ever forget how I learned JS through EvrSoft FirstPage. I can't start to imagine how much more in the dark I would end up without it. Had so much good sensations from establishing tasks for myself, learning by examples, and finishing them. Also not without week-long error slums, and even all that still was solveable without Internet access. Little bits of visualisation presented by examples in FirstPage helped me greatly: tables, ants game, snowfall, forms, etc. Didn't even need HMR, given integrated preview with live reload. So yeah, I can't exactly say that my biases hold the horses, when I strongly recommend my students to debug early, search, press mouse whell on all links, and learn by example.
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    Reject Java editor
    Embrace temple os
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    @piratefox he's unironically my hero and a huge inspiration. Schizophrenia is undoubtedly the worst disease you can get, an absolute hell on earth, with schizophrenic patients praying god to replace it with cancer or aids, and it scares the shit out of me. But he persevered, did what he wanted, and made a huge impact. There is no need to worry about his suicide. Death is a huge relief and the opportunity to finally be free from this hell.
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    @jonas-w Dieburg?
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    @electrineer yes in the vicinity of dieburg
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    @kiki well, the death part scares me a bit but frankly, being able to create an os from zero, no matter the memes about it or the oddity of it, shows incredible skill… especially trough schizophrenia!
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    @piratefox "Embrace temple os"

    But first run em over with your car!
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