
Ithkuil is beautiful.

A constructed language to eliminate double meanings. A lot of choice on concepts, the info packed as densely as possible.

  • 1
    beautiful indeed
  • 2
    A conlang mhm
  • 4
    That must be the best typeface design for legalese and other texts you certainly don't want anyone to actually read.

    Also: It isn't the language. It is the users. Can't fix ambiguity in human communication by altering the language. It is a lot like single letter errors became whole word errors by introducing autocorrect. The new language would just change ambiguity to outright falseness.
  • 1
    Damn I'm getting Lord of the Rings vibes
  • 3
    It’d be interesting to try to write a comedy routine in such a language.
  • 4
    @Oktokolo you CAN fix ambiguity with language.

    I speak 3 languages very well and there are countless instances where something is ambiguous in one language but not in another.
  • 1
    @Lensflare This. Ambiguity is often used for comedy as well, and in some languages it just ain't funny because of how they work.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Sure, you can fix a very limited selection of trivial cases with language design - but definitely not all or even most. Surely your three languages all still contain ambiguities. And surely you experienced a shitton of ambiguity in human communication which didn't boil down to bad language design.

    Most ambiguity comes from lack of information and context mismatch between sender and receiver. You seriously can't fix that with language design. And i don't believe, it is fixable at all (except for the admin of the matrix - they literally only needs to turn on Gaia mode to convert us all into a single consciousness).
  • 6
    @ars1 “because of how they work”
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    @ars1 here, fixed that for ya. Miss me with your nazi shit. This comic is cute.
  • 1
    @kiki not familiar with any of it, was that a Nazi slogan? Genuinely clueless, my country was basically unrelated so it was never a big topic.
  • 8
    @ars1 “arbeit macht frei” (labour makes one free) is a slogan that was on the entrance of Auschwitz concentration camp. It's THE nazi symbol, the second one after the swastika. It's a symbol of cruelty, as labour in concentration camps wasn't setting making anyone free, but was “Vernichtung durch Arbeit” (extremination through work).

    Upside-down B from the sign is one of the hidden symbols of resistance against nazis. According to a legend, one of Auschwitz prisoners did this on purpose while making this sign.


  • 3
    @ars1 They also said

    Arbeit macht frei

    durch Krematorium Nummer drei.

    Work makes you free

    Through crematorium number three.
  • 5
    @kiki welp, that's fucked. Thanks for the lesson.
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