
russia is if trauma was a country

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    Lol. Might be
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    Most countries have some sort of trauma.

    The UK has the fall of the empire

    Germany has the Holocaust

    Hungary, and I assume Russia, has the bolsheviks

    The US has the red scare and/or the decay of the welfare state (from what I hear, I've never been)

    I actually think the fetishisms of out-of-touch patriots are the best indicators of the significant sources of trauma in a country.
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    Regardless Julien assange would have been safer there.

    He is stuck in UK being extradited to US for get this: "espionage" when he is a citizen of AU........
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    @jassole I think people here want everything surrounding these events to seem like a fake attempt to cause drama

    Most of these people were secretly jerking off at what was actually a group of sickos shooting at a family mobile

    It's the only reason said Arabs brought their family into a war zone in the first place
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    If Russia is trauma then bringing back Soviet Union in its place is the cure 🤔💭
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    @AvatarOfKaine We are in the age of virtue signalling. Whoever virtue signals the hardest, (throw some mainstream pseudo morals and say how this guy/country is the baddest or point out who is the nazi) their moral status goes a bit up supposedly or at least in their heads.
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    @jassole I don’t have a problem with virtue signaling just as long as as the one doing it is willing to take criticism, which unfortunately is rarely the case. Disagree with me the slightest and you become the enemy I’m "fighting".

    (btw I don’t think OP is virtue signaling)
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    Because the US is used to enforce the petro dollar around the world. I would say the US has caused way more trauma than just about anyone.
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    @kiki Yeah US murdered like 1 million Iraqis like 1000 of years ago. Fed CIA propaganda lies through media and justified the war, got Saddam Hussein toppled ages ago because they had nuclear weapons. And the most staunched allies participating in the atrocities UK via Tony Blair was so long ago. When it was not true they were like OOPS sorry, won't happen again but we will surely arrest the guy Assange who broadcasted our atrocities to the entire world.

    Or at least people have gotton away as the media has white washed it away. LMAO. Putin didn't have a good media campaign in the west. That was his problem. LMAO
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    @kiki cosplayed Ivan the terrible hehe
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    Speaking of which… very glad you left it… did you read about the recent laws against “the gay propaganda”?
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    @kiki I would think that they did but then brexit happens. The damage has been massive and continues to pile as entire sectors worth of small businesses go bankrupt over import tax.
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    A major argument was to get rid of Eastern Europeans so that British people can get their jobs, as if a Brit would take care of old people full time for £12 an hour.
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    The whole ordeal is driven by bigots from Backwater, Bumfuck county who think that beautiful speech and xenophobia is a substitute for an understanding of economics in a PM.
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    Here's TL;DR on stuff that our government felt compelling to prohibit.

    You do enlightenment without high university degree and license - you fail.
    You don't participate in clownry war - you fail.
    You are LBGT - you fail.
    You are teacher in middle school, and 8th grade pupil stabs his classmate with a knife - you fail.
    You are parents of this delinquent - ...you're immune.
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    @lorentz the bigger traumas of the US are the legacy of slavery and segregation, Native American genocide, and the hegemony wars, all the conflicts after the Korean War.
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    @kiki what's going on in England isn't comparable to Russia of course. By Eastern-European measures life in the UK is utopia. But in public discourse, the topics the natives avoid, and in what they're passionate about, you can still sense a sort of community over the moral dilemmas of a tyrant simultaneously wishing for forgiveness and wanting their land back.
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    Sorry to say but you are naive, when you say USA moved on. Who created ISIS. How did a plumber's business vehicle end up in hands of ISIS? Wonder if it is those CIA pals. And it's not that far off, US carried out destruction of Libya, ?

    Not cause of humanitarian reasons but because Gaddafi was a threat to French domination of Africa.

    Search on any search engine this phrase:

    "Sidney Blumenthal hillary clinton leaked email libya contents"

    Ignore the first 5-10 results from Google. (CIA cutouts damage control PR).
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    @kiki more like the USA found a way to make those traumas extremely profitable. I would say they are all extremely relevant to discourse today.
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    @kiki You are telling me you know nothing without telling me you know nothing. ;)
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