
There's this junior I've been training. We gave him a bigger task than we usually do

"How do I link an object in table X with the corresponding object in table Y?"

"How are objects in two tables usually linked? How did you link Y with Z in the first place?"

"Em... Foreign Keys?"


"But there's not foreign key from X to Y."

"Well, create one. You've got full creative freedom over this task."

I sometimes feel like Juniors are either completely careless about past code or overly carefuly with not editing any past code. Frustrating but adorable

  • 15
    Makes sense - better than hacking shit together after failing to understand what's there and how to fit in new features properly.
  • 12
    He's a good one tbh. We had intern and new guy who will just write anything carelessly without reading docs or asking the person who develop the the feature first.
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