Such folks 😓 And not to forget the $1000+ systems.

  • 17
    Trust me pirating software is easier that hardware
  • 0
    @theScientist "scumbag Steve" is the name of this meme, if that helps ;)
  • 0
    Yea Aptoide for Android and Cydiastore for ios 😁
  • 2
    He would pirate the hardware too. If he could
  • 0
    I sometimes pirate apps because I am too lazy to buy a playstore card...
  • 2
    @linuxxx how could a small company / developer earn money with open source? Sell support for a puzzle game?
    If you dont want to use closed source Software then dont use it. (not just then steal it)
  • 4
    @Salmakis Own one of those myself and working on a way to figure this out! The idea is to open source the frontend softwares and keep the backend closed (front end will do the end to end crypto which kinda has to be open source). And then work on subscription basis.
  • 4
    @Salmakis Let me rephrase and remove that comment because you do have a point. I am working on a way to make this work and i think I'm going to get there but i agree with you on the fact that new/tiny/starter devs don't have a way to get into the scene and make a little money. My apologies!
  • 4
    @g-m-f Yeah removed that comment and rephrased because she does have a point :)
  • 5
    @Salmakis teaches @linuxxx a lesson on closed source!
    Well I guess they always is an alternative to almost closed one you just gave to find one or make one !
    It might be bit crancky but you can always customize it
    Like for ms office 4 Linux I got wps office and only office to be good!
  • 5
    @g-m-f Fun thing is though there are so many good open source programs nowadays that except for some apps i can easily survive with only using open source software!
  • 5
    @sak96 Oh i knew that stuff already but i have my standards haha! But yeah i believe you can actually make money with open source as I'm working on a business model to do just that and it seems to be a thing i can work with well.
    WPS is not open source for as far as I now 😮. But libreoffice works great for me!
  • 1
    A coworker was bragging to me about pirating tons of audio software and then was baffled when I said I only used free software for my music hobby.

    Now that I am a developer, pirating just feels wrong. Well, more wrong than it already is.
  • 2
    Yes its possible to make money with open source, ofc. I try to aswell with a project . My point was rather about that even when we all love open source, there are ppl and reasons that prefer closed source. And ww have to accept that, either than pay for it or just not use it. Pirating is not trivial, whole companies and systems (commodore amiga) died because of it. And companies are forced to plague us with drm and copyprotections. The most ppl think that everything must be free and not even pay 1€ for android game that they enjoied for much hours, but pay 20€ for 2hours in the cinema (if they not pirating movies ;D)
  • 5
    @Salmakis Yeah gotya. Fun thing is that i would nor mind paying for open source software but hey that's me. I have a very particular reason for my radicalness of the use of open source software, might make a rant about it sometime :)
  • 1
    @nik123 yes, you can have the monotone ringtone ir the polyphone ringtone
  • 1
    I dont know for sure, but i think since ppl are now online 24/7 then using stuff like paypal, apple pay and all that is just more easy, faster and more usefull on lots of Situations? Dunno
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