How are tech jobs doing in Europe?

  • 6
    I think most of them are in Europe.

    That is all I know.
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  • 3
    Benelux countries: booming
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    Goddammit. Couple of friends of mine who are living in NL said there are only hiring freeze. No layoffs as of now.
  • 5
    Mine is doing good afaik. Think we're pretty stable in the Nordics. Juniors struggle to get their starters ofc like everywhere but seniors can do their pick.
  • 3
    There are way more job openings than there are people worth hiring. You want to become dev in Finland, at least, just have some skills or potential and there are a myriad of choices. E.g. we are always hiring. Now probably more than in a long while, tbh.
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    @mansur85 nah, that’s just a state of mind. It ain’t that bad here.
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    @mansur85 judging from their nick, you may just be asking @lankku if Finland is warmer than Finland… whether that’s the case or not, and they are not in Denmark, the answer is no.
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    @mansur85 I live in Finland. Some parts of Finland are warmer than other parts of Finland. It's not cold imo. I hate the sun, hot & beaches.
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    Wouldn't touch Europe with their GDPR.
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    @jassole I wouldn’t touch the US without something like GDPR
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    Stable job conditions in my sector (digital health) here in Germany. My company (200 people) is hiring.
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    i have been hired when the pandemic started, and the company has grown substancially while it was going on. Even moving into new offices and stuff.
    So yeah.. i'd say pretty well
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    @lastNick I'll bet there are dozen more companies within the EU that are not GDPR complaint, and running fine. So only the goody two shoes

    are having a hard time over it.

    Nobody can audit that crap....
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    @jassole Our company is audited multiple times a year and everything is fine. We also conduct 5-10 clinical studies (RCTs) each year with the corresponding GDPR compliant ethics vote. GDPR is not that hard
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    @jassole "nobody can audit that crap". Rather looks like everyone can with this tool open-sourced by the EU: https://github.com/EU-EDPS/... .
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    @webketje This tool seems to be for websites only. Other software like medical apps or processes like clinical investigation plans are not covered.
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    @lastNick ok then please regulate yourself to death, and don't spread the regulation around the world. In my eyes you are only hurting small business who now has to battle through more red tapes, widening the gap.
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    @jassole yeah, pay everybody involved/damaged 5 bucks instead, if something goes catastrophically wrong right?
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    @thebiochemic what damages are you talking about which hasn't happened yet? Get insurance rather than regulation.

    By that logic never move from your house, because you will die from a meteorite falling into your head, which regulation won't be able to protect you anyway.
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    @jassole i'm talking about this

    and yes, we will die, but with atleast some regulation you don't need to live life as if it's hell.
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    @jassole Have you tried to comply to US regulations, e. g. from the FDA for electronic data capture? Read that crap and then we can talk about GDPR again.
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    @lastNick I don't think I said I am a fan of one.
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