I am in a ranting mood today.

I HATE "day in the life of a SWE" videos. Especially the ones where they work from home.

They basically show that they sleep/eat all day and get very little done. I know it's for entertainment or comedic effect but it makes me uneasy about the image that they are projecting to the world.

People already don't think we deserve the salary that we make and when they see these videos the idea gets re-enforced into their heads.

I've been working from home for 3 years and my day is NOTHING like what these content creators show in their videos. It's a bunch of meetings and a lot of coding with very little rest.

  • 3
    DUDE SAME I saw one from a dude in Tokyo that supposedly was going to follow a game developer.

    The dude didn't do jack shit in terms of game development and I saw him doing dotnet in vs code......he did follow a developer, just not a game developer....I hated the video, but I get what you mean, they don't show the great majority of developers and instead focus on the ones with the glamorous lifestyles
  • 0
    We need someone to make an "honest day in the life of an SWE" video: keeps all the stuff you mentioned, but reduces it to 50% and the other 50% is just a GIF of the SWE typing in front of his laptop
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