From now on, I shall always pose with the peace sign

  • 7
  • 1
    bat tayo ganito HAHAH
  • 6
    Looks like a dev ;-)
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    @surrealcodes cause we sold our souls to game development
  • 1
    @solooo7 I think you mean "dead" :- (
  • 0
    @runfrodorun sure! bring my professors along
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    while(programming) {
    System.out.println("Ahhhh Stressed!");
    programming = false;

    System.out.println("Nom nom nom nom nom... happy for now");
  • 3
    @dalastTomCruise why Java when you can C++?
  • 4
    cout << "Stressed" ;
  • 2
    inverted middle finger for '!' operator 😂😂
  • 1
    @nachocode why restrict to any language when they all have their strong and weak points? Java type safety is good for big robust systems; I would prefer it over C++ because new devs will have a harder time shooting them self in the foot. Currently using Python for web development. will use C++ when I work in game development like what the poster is doing.
  • 0
    std in global namespace

    At least the std isn't all caps
  • 1
    oh god you are doing it all wrong !!!!!
    never use "using namespace std;(c++)"
    it is really bad for readability of the code. specially on big projects and i mean really big, like 3 mil lines of code or more.

    you should just type std::cout. it is because functions can be overwriten for optimization for the target (mcu, arm soc).
    making the namespace global makes it hard to know which one of the function it is using. with the namespace infront of it makes it clear directly which is used.

    it is all about readability for the other developer and so that the compiler knowns which one you intentend to call.
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