I need some time off. Just had this convo with a dev-manager about an 'issue' with our system change mgmt calendar (Blazor) app.

K: "In the system drop-down, it's not filtering when I type."
Me: "Let me check <I attempt to reproduce>, yep, not working. Do you get the same error? Looks like duplicate data from the database is causing a problem."
<this is over MS Teams, about 5 minutes go by with no response, then>
K: "No error, its not working."
<I find the bad data, delete it, TADA, the filtering is working again>
Me: "The filtering is working again, at least for me. You sure you didn't see an error?"
<wait 5 minutes again>
K: "No, no error."
Me: "You didn't see a little red banner at the bottom and in all caps..ERROR"
<send him a screen-shot of the error I still had in another tab>
K: "Yes, I saw that one, but no other errors. Filtering is working again. Thanks"

  • 1
    I had a similar conversion about "crashes" a long time ago:

  • 2
    I would post a quick and dirty screenshot of the error to make sure the other end knows what I'm talking about. At least if it's important and I'm not lazy.
  • 1
    "no error" -> "oh actually..but other than that, no."

    This is why some groups have a 'speaking stick.'

    So only one person can speak at a time.

    And also, so if someone says something incredibly stupid, you can hit them with the speaking stick.
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