The only thing left worth chasing is money for me
I just don't fucking care about anything else
I used to feel lonely cause i've never had a girlfriend and i am turning 19 this week.

But something flipped in me yesterday and i was like fuck all this shit. I'll just get the money and end up dating the hottest girl in town 10 years from now after getting the money instead of chasing mediocre pussy or even mediocre friendships too where the friends end up betraying you eventually after using you

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    Your time will come my dude. Back than i thought i was late but in hindsight i know so many dudes who had their first time and girlfriend in their mid-twenties. And also girls! Those weren't only ugly ppl, but just shy or whatever. But their time came, sooner or later.
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    AI exists. Help it to make yourself a perfect love story and identify with one of the protagonists. Poets centuries ago quenched their desire for love that way. And today you don't need to be a poet yourself anymore.

    Yesterday i used AI Dungeon to have a pretty intense emotional (not sexual - this time) experience. There is a learning curve and i am still not good at feeding the AI. But oh boy, with a bit of help and constant correction, it can really help you write a story that triggers your brain.
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    8-16 [the fapping period] everybody wants something, not yet sure what it is. Those who do are too shy and/or don't know to approach it

    16-24 [the urge period] everybody desperately wants to get together with someone for comfort and "painting" (the rebel age)

    24-30 [the draught period] those who haven't married earlier, will struggle to find single and pretty girls of their age -- most of them are married or at least engaged at this age.

    30-45 [the swinger period] young families break apart, releasing young fathers and young moms back into the market. If you catch such a mom, she'll most likely come with a kid or two (approaching "the fapping period").

    45+ [the settling] everybody has tried and experienced it all. Now people either settle for living alone or living with their current spouse. Caveat: husbands are full of money, and their wives approach menopause, so the hubbies might be secretly having 2+ ladies for themselves.
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    Don't worry if you don't have a gf. You will find her if you really want to. University and seasonal work (bartender, waiter, etc.) are good places to look.

    In the meantime, focus on your studies, so you'd have more time for after-class activities when time comes.
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    @netikras Nah man i am not worrying about getting a gf right now at all.

    I mean if i even do get one who is beautiful, i'll still be a worthless man with a beautiful girl and still be insecure about her leaving me anyday. I'd rather be a fucking millionaire with zero bitches instead cause i can be sure of myself and my worth in that scenario.
  • 2
    Girls come and go. Stocks and shares are forever
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