
I cannot believe it's the middle of june and i am wearing socks warm shirts and sometimes jacket in my own house because of how fucking cold it is in the middle of fucking europe and in the middle of fucking "summer"

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    But at least it hasn't been raining for so long it's a heavy drought in most of Europe. Also, revised estimations are more that by 2030 the Arctic passage might be ice free (some years ago they estimated 2070) which might completely fuck up Gulfstream and make Europe essentially freeze. Fun.
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    @msdsk What draught? It's been raining for 2 weeks in most of Sothern, Central, and Western Europe, to the point where many places were hit with severe floods. And based on the current forecasts, that will likely continue for at least another week.
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    @msdsk That's data for May 20 - 30, which is before all the rainfall and floods. If you go to https://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/edov2/... and select June, it tells you the data is not yet available.
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    Problem with torrential rain is that it doesn't solve droughts because the land just can't absorb it, so while, yes, it will eventually drain to reservoirs, it drags everything away.
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    @hitko yeah, in the Baltic area it hasn't been raining since then. Northern Europe apparently got pretty bad since then: https://drought.gov/international/
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    Northern Germany here, but we're in Africa for all I care. It's hot af. (28 today, iirc) The Germans have resorted to wearing sandals without socks.
    Show me someone debating climate change and I'll slap them with my sunburn flakes.
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    England is an oven rn
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    Im Herzen Europas ist es warm.
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    Even if it were true, little ice age was a dip of a quarter degree, give or take. Our emission system warming is already one degree.
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    Come to England is horribly warm at night 🫠
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    The thing with climate change is not that the planet gets more or less hot right now.

    It has been way warmer in the past, but we are talking geological timescales. Life can not adapt to how fast we are causing it.

    And the underlying problem is that if we keep emitting greenhouse gases, it can easily lead to a runaway greenhouse effect, and you only have to look at Venus to know what happens then.
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    Easy, any gas that prevents solar energy from escaping the atmosphere due to their chemical makeup being particularly fond of infrared photons (which is the form the earth radiates energy back into space).

    Those photons (and thus energy (heat)) are released back into the atmosphere, meaning we become like an oven.

    Greenhouse gases are not the same as ozone-destroying ones. Those are chlorofluorocarbons, and we actually did a great job at saving the ozone layer by reducing their emission. (Ozone prevents ultraviolet radiation from reaching the surface, has nothing to do with greenhouse effect).

    Main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides.

    Current amounts are responsible for average surface temp being 30 degrees hotter than it would otherwise be.

    If concentration becomes larger, more and more energy will be trapped, heating the planet, melting the ice caps (and releasing the vast CO2 trapped there), worsening it all.
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