
How did this date format ever get past code review.

  • 20
    There's only one way to write a date! https://xkcd.com/1179/
  • 4
    Kind of the same thing with metric vs imperial.
  • 2
    I try to move people that way my using: 16 June 2016
  • 5
    I am in US and you are right.
  • 1
    The Month is most important. Not just the 16th, but June 16th.
  • 3
    I'm not in the American, but I've always liked how irrational you can be about stuff like this. Sure, it's not as smart sometimes, but it's kind of more human in a way.
  • 3
    @SharinganUchiha I'd say that the day is the most important since you are more likely to check the current date than an old/upcoming date. And you always know what month it is already, so you just want to know the day.

    If you're checking an old or upcoming date you need to at least read both day and month anyway, so the order doesn't matter for that.
  • 5
    It's like the big endian versus little endian argument, with the US coming along adding 'middle endian'.
  • 4
    Because 'Merica. Nuff said.
  • 3
    It was a Friday and the end of the day, I had no choice but to pass it or I'd have been there arguing on a Saturday not only about this but also about the superiority of metric system
  • 1
    @juneeighteen That is the truth.
  • 1
    @juneeighteen would be sweet if devRant would recognize that too 😬
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