
Why in gods name is vscode if installed over APT, pull in perl modules?

I checked the dependency tree of it, and saw a lot of perl as a deep dependency.

Perl is one of the least efficient language, similiar to PHP.

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    Probably because of git. Git depends on quite a few perl modules.
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    There are many ways to define efficiency. If, say, you were to define it as the money value of the product divided by the cost of its development - and it was a web site/app - core PHP would be likely be best option.
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    @spongegeoff i looked at vscodes apt install dependencies and rendered zhem to an image, because i was looking for where all the performance get wasted.
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    So many perl modules. Just for the Editor, most of them under GTK3.3 and other dependencies.
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    I think your understanding of dependencies is rather simple.

    Do you know what these dependencies are used for?

    Most likely not the runtime of VSCode.

    After all, Perl is a scripting language. Most likely it's used for generation during build time, translation or sth like that.

    Dependencies can fall into many categories... Not every dependency is actually used at runtime or loaded at runtime.

    If you want to minimize dependencies, switch to Gentoo or another source built distro that allows to configure dependencies at compile time level.

    Cause that's the only option, given that removing these dependencies usually means a lot of head aches for no benefit at all regarding runtime memory consumption / resource consumption.

    It's just wasting disk space. That's it.
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    I looked on the dependency tree rendered as graph.

    xdg-utils pulls in libnet-dbus-perl, which pulls libxml-twig-perl which pulls in libwww-perl, which pulls in a lot of code to work with the Web in perl.

    All of which is bloat, that gets pulled in on install.
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