
The Google timeline:
- early 2000: "I use it because it's the best search engine out there"
- mid 2000: "I use it because it's a full ecosystem for mail and office and it's free"
- early 2010: "I use it because it integrates seamlessly with my phone"
- mid 2010: "I use it because it's at least better than the competition"
- now: "I'm willing to try literary anything that's not Google"

  • 1
    Last time i checked (2-3 years ago) google was still the best search engine. This is why i use google search.
  • 10
    * We will automatically translate EVERYTHING (including youtube video titles) from English into your native language and you can't do shit about it!
    * We will protect you from seeing *inappropriate* content. Or you can log in and see it anyways. Just be logged in, okay? Btw, we define what is inappropriate for you.
  • 5
    @Lensflare And we delete the stuff that is *inappropriate*, means if it goes against our agenda, so you can not see it even when you login
  • 6
    I have a Samsung phone and a while back I wanted to turn off the battery saver and couldn't remember where that setting was, so googled "Samsung phone turn off battery saver"

    and the first page was

    - Where I could buy samsung phones

    - Where I could buy batteries for samsung phones

    - More click bait about the dangers of samsung batteries.

    I never wanted to smack someone at google more than at that moment.

    Fired up Bing's Chat, asked my question, got the exact answer I was looking for.
  • 1
    @happygimp0 the worst part is they're still the best even with all their fuckery

    i was searching for GPL recently and half results was for the license and half for GLP protein. not even quotes helped me and i have no background/search history in biology/genom processing
  • 0
    @qwwerty Which search engine do you use?

    I didn't get the word protein on google when i search for either GLP nor when i search for GPL, on the first 5 pages.
  • 1
    @happygimp0 ofc google otherwise i wouldn't be joining google rant

    i'm unable to replicate it now, but got the screenshot from back then (~month ago) https://i.imgur.com/wQdseah.png

    + i was wrong it wasn't protein but peptide ... but still fail to understand why even though you quote the term to make sure you want this EXACT word it still goes "oh hey, i'm sure you wanted something else".

    I'm seeing this more and more lately which makes searching for anything quite a pain, but had even worse experience with Bing and others, so still using it.
  • 0
    @qwwerty Bing seems to give me significantly better results for your search: https://puu.sh/JJIye.png
  • 0
    "- now: "I'm willing to try literary anything that's not Google"

    Time has a way of humbling us, and lowering our expectations.

    Some days I wish to return to a simpler age, the age of the blackberry.

    Some days I wish for a nuclear winter.
  • 3
    Google used to be a damned good search engine.

    SEO and stuffing completely fucked it.

    When I google for something I remember reading 5 years ago on some dudes blog. I wont find it. Like try to find older stuff that isnt just SO/reddit etc. Good fucking luck cause the rest is just SEO boosters and ads. I miss when some dude could just make a fucking site and have some good fucking shit on there and you'd be able to find it.

    Search in general is basterdized by all the fucking companies trying to play the fucking google game.

    It's just that the compitition isnt even close to google in its glory days so you end up trying to bing or duckduckgo and it sucks too ...
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    @rootshell the commercialization of the internet ruined most of it.
  • 1
    I mean its also how I make my money. So I'm part of the problem I guess.

    Just wish internet search didnt suck.
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