
I'm so confused by our architecture and development process in general

We planned what features are to be implemented (e.g. what endpoints should do what), but there are parts of tasks which depend on others, and I'm not sure what classes to build or when to start a task given that related ones are being done by other developers, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing

I could maybe do all of this alone my way if it was just me, but when I ask in planning about how we should go about implementing shit together, I just get backlash from this senior developer telling me we shouldn't waste time discussing implementation details in planning

Like, what the fuck do you want me to fucking do, just implement all the dependencies of what I'm doing from zero, without reusing any of the code other devs are doing that touches on the same parts?

Fucking hell, man, this is the third sprint where I'm confused like this

Maybe I'm just too dumb to be a developer after all lol

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    If it's a meeting, it must have an agenda.


    What says the agenda?

    If it has no agenda.... It's not a meeting, but rather an all out fiasco, so why not discuss implementation details...

    Or how Peggy Sue does her nails?
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    I think the planning meeting is where you figure out what you want to do for the next sprint.

    some very high level implementation is probably relevant to determine if it a realistic to include.

    The details can be discussed outside of the planning meeting since there are probably a whole bunch of other things to go through
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    I would implement the feature and mock the missing components.
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    You're not too dumb to be a dev! Collaborating on multiple features with dependencies on other devs and other features is a messy process.

    You might be a better coder than some senior but takes a while of "having been around and doing similar projects before" to get a sense of when to talk details, which pieces of code can be done first independently, when you can work dependencies out as you go and when you gotta halt a planning meeting.
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    I suggest mob programming sessions after the planning meeting, to hash out the details.

    If you're in a team with a lot of seniors there's often a "way we do things around here in these scenarios". Like if you're building a frontend to render data but the API isn't done - you really need that session with a backend dev. They might be fine with setting up a temporary endpoint that returns some mocked data for now. Or will give you a data blob to temporarily add to your code in place of the api fetch. Or maybe they'll invite you to fork their featurebranch - and submit PR:s to that branch
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    @jiraTicket thank you for offering this perspective. These days I was stressed and very concerned that I might be too late in my tasks but the boss said I was doing fine and evolving well. One gets too deep in his own spiral of thoughts sometimes.

    I've brought up at the retrospective this sprint that we should do meeting sessions to discuss technical details of things, and it was well received, but we haven't done those yet. Right after planning might be a good time, I suppose.
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