
Trying to perform a "reboot" by not sleeping one night, to force myself to sleep the next night instead of doing the opposite and being drowsy at day every fucking day of the week

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    I tried this for jet lag when going from Asia to Canada. I stayed up far longer and went to bed at a normal time. Then my body decided to sleep for 14 hours defeating the whole attempt.
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    @irene I'm my case it feels as if I'm just more apt to being awake at night. Even if I'm exhausted, I can't fall asleep till 2-3 am.
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    Been there, done that. You'll be jet lagged any way you try it. My current choice is to just always sleep when it's possible and not think about it any more than that. The more you force your sleep schedule, the more you're fucked.
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    @electrineer I would love to be able to sleep whenever, but job demands me being awake at specific hours pretty early in the morning.

    If only it was at least after 12pm...

    Basically recently I'm suffering too much from fatigue to remain sane and at least somewhat productive
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    @iiii me too, but I would just sleep after work when sleepy.
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    @electrineer that's the catch. I am sleepy during work but not after 😂
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    @iiii I am still recovering from burnout 5 years ago. When I don’t have proper stress management at work I tend to push sleep really late. I’m tired but my mind is looking for some release that I didn’t get during the day. Like blue balls for my brain.

    Working with a therapist. I’m reserving some time to the morning before work to do things that make my day a personal success before going to work while I have motivation left. Then the work is not what I lean on for personal satisfaction. At the end of the day I don’t feel the need to stretch my day because i already had my time to be myself without work.
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    @irene the main thing in my current situation is that i am, for around 3 years already, residing in my apartment almost 24/7, very rarely getting outside

    i get it when you are saying about lack of satisfaction. that was a contributor to the case as well for quite a long time overall, even before these 3 years, but recently things went totally astray with all the stress caused by very shitty environment at work (already passed) and very shitty circumstances overall caused by war, and also overall fatigue of being at home in the exact same environment for almost 3 years
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    @iiii I can’t relate to war but the same environment day in and day out I do. Lack of exercise makes it worse so I make a point of taking a daily walk. Probably exercise in the morning.
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    @ostream not tagged as one. Fuck off, moron
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    Thats a great way to make yourself regret being alive dude.

    Just take a sleep aid.
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    So how did it go?
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    @Wisecrack it doesn't make me regret being alive more than it is already
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    @electrineer I haven't managed to go through the day without sleeping
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    @Wisecrack I have been feeling awful for months already. I am totally fucked in the head, stuck and trapped. Better dead than alive, because all of this is unfixable and the time was lost and is being lost while having no control over that. Not suicidal, but not seeing a point in continuing.
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    @iiii shall we do the whole one-up-manship thing where we compare miseries?

    I find spite is a very effective reason for continuing.

    What's your morning routine look like? How you start your day goes a long way toward how your day starts out.
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    @Wisecrack I get up, get some coffee and breakfast, then sit in front of work laptop for a bunch of morning meetings while consuming all of that.
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    @iiii important question, do you use the snooze button and how often?
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    @Wisecrack I do. A lot. I hate waking up. It's painful.
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    @iiii Okay, that helps a lot. Most snooze buttons are five minutes long. They're actually too short. I've tested it. It's addictive, and it'll effectively leave you jet lagged and mess with your mood. I thought I was going crazy for a while till I started testing for everything and stumbled on it.

    Not a doctors opinion or medical advice, but heres what I want you to do for the next three to five days: Instead of using the snooze button, set two alarms: your standard alarm, and a second thats ten minutes later than that.

    It should be at *least* one hour before you're due for work, but 90 minutes before is even better.

    This is a bit of a hack that sounds completely trivial but the impact of it fucking shocked me.

    I want you to give it a try and for each day tell me how your mood has improved (subjective rating) say from 1 to 100, relative to your lowest point. And for each subsequent day, do the same thing relative to the last rating.
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    @iiii so on day 1 say your mood is a 30/100.

    Day 2, you're going to compare your mood to the previous day, higher or lower. Day 3, same thing.

    Post it right here in the comments. I'll be expecting it.

    If at any time during the day you're experiencing a particular high or low, I want you to write down 1. any events that just happened, 2. anything you expect to happen. What you want to do is look at these over time, kind of like a journal, maybe one event per line, and note whether you got better or worse. The idea is to create a toolkit for avoiding or handling those situations that ruin your mood, and utilizing those events and situations that improve your mood.

    But honestly, start with the alarm clock first and we'll go from there.
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    @Wisecrack I will try.

    Ps: actually my snooze length was set to 10 minutes
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    @Wisecrack well... I could not try that today, because I was woken up by a pack of dogs howling to the air raid alert outside at 4 am. Could not fall asleep afterwards

    I think I should create a separate thread for this
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    @iiii air raid?
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    @Wisecrack yes. ukraine, war n shit. we get air raid alerts at least several times per week and quite often at night. usually it does not matter as it's far away and hard to hear anyway or my window is closed, but today the dogs were doing their thing
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    @iiii just curious, are you actually kiki? Otherwise you're the third Ukrainian I've met on devrant!
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    @Wisecrack he's Russian. And no, I'm not him
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    @iiii eh, thought hed said he was ukrainian a while back. Got em mixed up.

    Tell kiki to stop bombing you.

    Fucking terrible jokes aside, how did you not get drafted?
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    @Wisecrack I wasn't needed enough for them to come directly to my apartment, I guess. Otherwise I'm not going outside much since pandemic have started.
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    @iiii once you realize we all die one day, the fear of the pandemic, nuclear war, civil disorder, all of it, the fear fades.

    Go out side and smell the fresh air before they nuke us all.
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    @Wisecrack I'm not against not existing anymore. I just can't do that myself.
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    @iiii then find someone who is a healer, who will help you heal mate.
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    @Wisecrack a paladin or a cleric? 🤔
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    @iiii clerics are all virgins, they're no good in the sack!

    Definitely go with paladins. If the racy youtube ads are anything to go by, they are all boxom maids with completely impractical armor. Easy access!

    Sweet christ, staying up 24hours straight turns me into a raging misogynist apparently.

    Be well mate.
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    @Wisecrack aren't paladins supposed to be men in huge armor? 🤔
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    @Wisecrack I'm fine. Lazy and somewhat down, but fine.
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    @iiii suddenly "it's raining men" starts playing for no apparent reason.

    But for the record, thats not the ad's I've seen on youtube.
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    @Wisecrack I haven't seen YouTube ads in ages
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    @iiii sticking it to the man, maaaan!

    Probably better for your health and mental wellbeing than watching ads "out of gratitude" like some people do.

    How did the experiment go?
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    @Wisecrack which experiment? 🤔 I don't remember
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    @iiii Staying up 24hrs for a reset. How'd that go if you don't mind people on the internet asking?
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    @Wisecrack oh, failed. I've crashed mid day and could not stay awake for the whole day
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    @iiii theres always being a caffiend.
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    @Wisecrack does not really work when I'm extremely sleepy. I will get heart attack earlier than remain awake
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