
Today I saw, and heard, two attractive young women show a lot of annoyance over a dude revving his car's engine as he drove past them in an obvious effort to somehow impress them.

I have not once in my 32 years of age met a single regular woman (read as in, not a woman who is a car enthusiast, and even then they are annoyed) that has been impressed over a dude driving a car as if he were in a race track. Not once.

So I seriously wonder, what is the point? annoying people? I am a very standard dude, I like cars, but that shit fucking irritates me and I seriously do not get the point.

  • 9
    Whenever people drive any vehicle deliberately loudly in the city I feel the collective mild inconvenience of several hundred people accumulate into murderous rage in the back of my skull, then pass in a few seconds.
  • 4
    I get a similar feeling from people who tailgate. It serves no purpose. Causes people to rage. Puts everyone at risk. Causes passive aggressive drivers to slow down and take longer to pass. Increases the stress of everyone on the road. Then they rev past to go a whole 3 - 5 mph faster. It is comical.
  • 4
    @lorentz same! I have seen it on gas stations. A dude would leave making loud af noises and everyone would just collectively look annoyed. It really does seem like a Small PP move more than anything else. I have never once said "man I wish I had a loud car like his". I just need to get from point A to point B and I honestly do not get modded up race cars, we don't even have a race track in the city. Seems like a waste of money tbh
  • 3
    @Demolishun In Texas, a one sized car per 10 miles ph is considered the "safe distance" standard. I would have a line of cars in front of me, and I would space out as per the standard, have a dude driving behind me tailgating, go around me just to squeeze between me and the car upfront. I honestly don't get it, my turn signals were on, you knew I was going to take that exit, you were already behind me and we are going at 65 mph (104 kmph) WHAT do you get from trying to squeeze in front of me or tailgate?

    I honestly believe that these people don't get anywhere in life, their only way to feel ahead of people is by driving like complete retards
  • 1
    @AleCx04 some people race cars at night for keeps. So I kinda get the modded cars if they are doing that crap. But the stress of losing a car that way would be too much for me. I talked to a guy that did this and he finally had to quit as it was getting expensive and dicey. He said it was a rich persons playground for illegal street racing.
  • 3
    I have similar issues with anybody with a 100cc shitty "motorbike". Fuck off with your shit loud vehicle. Fuck off in to a canal
  • 1
    @ostream it works both ways, retards love cars because vroom vroom and then it makes them even more retarded.
  • 2
    it's their version of shouting: "HEY EVERYONE! LOOK AT ME, I DON'T HAVE A TINY DICK!"

    which, as we all know, says quite something about their genitals.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I hear them from time to time, prompted by the sounds of either State Troopers or local law enforcement getting at them.

    We get weekly mugshots of these idiots. It ain't worth it and they seemingly get caught all the time. Even if they somehow manage to elude law enforcement, we got cameras everywhere.
  • 1
    @tosensei funny how that backfires quick as shit on them. I really despise that culture (loud and obnoxious) And I love cars, heck I have an uncle that works on that and owns 1 pimped up car that he shows off on car shows. I can appreciate that, cuz you go there specifically because you love cars. But I have never seen him driving it around the city, just his block from time to time because the car needs to move, its his baby really, but he usually just drives a regular truck.
  • 1
    Is liking cars "normal"? Personally, the more we can avoid using them the better
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