
The gnome-screenshot tool has a white flashing effect. Every single pixel of the screen is at the brightest colour for the fraction of a second.

Did the developers of gnome-screenshot really think users want a camera flash in their face whenever they hit the "print screen" button?

That flashing effect hurts users' eyes, especially if a white flash appears on a dark-theme user interface.

Formerly, gnome-screenshot had a short black-out, which was tolerable. Thankfully, mate-screenshot has no shutter effect at all. These flashing effects are not helpful in the slightest, just purely annoying.

  • 1
    Function follows form.
  • 1
    I haven't seen it but I can imagine how annoying it must be.
  • 1
    Most Windowing Interfaces: Lets try and prevent seizures.

    Gnome: We will try and cause seizures, migraines, and piss off dark mode users.
  • 0
    So there is people still using Gnome.
  • 1
    yeah i was trying put all these different tools and noticed that flash thingy aswell.

    Ended up settling on fireshot
  • 1
    It just occurred to me that you have probably been flashy-thinged (like in MIB) by Gnome.
  • 1
    I use gnome because I'm Linux noob and cba to play too much.

    Anyways, Lenovo ThinkPads have prtscr key next to altgr (right alt, but for locales with diacritics it makes characters with those diacritics)... I was recently focused trying to write up some bug fixing stuff... And missed my key.
    Damn, this flash and sound almost gave me a heart attack.

    BTW, it doesn't flash every pixel... It only flashes the captured ones - so if you learn to screenshot only window you want (alt+prtscr) and they're not fullscreen, it's not as bad. :)
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    @Lensflare What do you mean with "MIB"?
  • 2
    @exerceo Men In Black
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