
Why devRant android app is not getting updated for newer android versions?

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    framework has been discontinued
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    because why would _anybody_ care at all about an app, when a web version exists?
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    @tosensei apps perform much better.. and devrant on mobile web version is unuseable
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    @joewilliams007 last time i checked, on mobile, it's basically disabled intentionally to force people to use the app. one reason to categorically not use the app, and instead show a big middle finger to whatever asshole who made that decision.

    also, tbh: there's not enough engaging content to have to check devrant on mobile. once every few days whenever i'm at home is more than enough.
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    @tosensei why website when native is much more efficient? i hate browsing websites on mobile. and my pc is not a laptop so i dont like using it too much.
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    @joewilliams007 websites _could_ be loads more efficient if UX people focused less on flashy animations and more on actual usability.

    (and i hate this "mobile first" approach, which makes websites a tiny bit more usable on mobile, but a horrendous amount more unusable on desktops. when a "data first" approach.)

    going off on a whole separate rant here: but this current website philosophy of "load a complete SPA first, _then_ load the data that's actually interesting" is garbage in my eyes. (especially when done by 'enterprises'.) you gotta load end render loads of bootstrapping data before even _requesting_ what you want.

    i'd very much prefer an approach where you request your raw data first, _then_ request layout, styling, dynamic elements based on the data. or: use your own pre-cached views.
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    @tosensei okay understandable. but my thought still remains that websites are trash for mobile if you use them more then once

    first of all, websites change. the end user has no controle over what version he wants or even when the website goes down

    then everytime the user opens the website it needs to load all that html and static images. yea. website doesnt need to be cramped with frameworks. but evem if not. it still needs to load everytime user goes on website. Now imagine loading all that html with slow mobile data. Maybe not in new york center with 5g. but elsewhere. Website will not be reliable amd load forever. App might get some json requests through.

    and going through website menus with shitty transitions is not pleasant at all. even not if you use 20 frameworks.

    not to forget all that cookie bloat that comes with. Yea apps with trackers fuck u aswell.

    for PCs for users with 16+ gb ram, and ethernet cable connection fine. But you forget the majority of people in that case.
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    @joewilliams007 "first of all, websites change. the end user has no controle over what version he wants or even when the website goes down" - that is oh so more true for apps, tho.
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    @tosensei no. when i dont like the new verisons of apps im the playstore i just get older apks from the web. and i actually do that lol. and yes also for clients. ur usage may be different but just dont speak for everyone
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