
The first freelancer i hired on @upwork actually copied code from their other projects into mine. I could tell because every PR had a new coding style, naming conventions and massive amounts of unused css.
Knocking out 2 birds with one stone.

  • 2
    You could confront the dev about it, you know. As a client you have the right to get justification about the quality of work you're paying for.
  • 7
    @Sid2006 he was adding a ton of extra features and I really liked it. But when I eventually really looked at the code, I realized it was a complete mess. By that time it was too big and too messy to add new features or continue.

    Redoing it showed me how much of the code was actually trash.
  • 2
    Well if you want to pay $20/h you get what you get
  • 1
    @msdsk you're 100% right. But I didn't have much choice being a college grad with barely any income to support myself and my dreams. And it's taught me so much about how to properly architect a project.
  • 1
    I do that too but I document, test (to the extent that it's convenient) and package the reused fragments on NPM. Does this make it acceptable?
  • 0
    @lorentz I think that's amazing. Reusing code is the core of software development (when done properly like you have). But bloating a project with garbage code is bonkers. Devs need to take pride in their work. Otherwise you're just building bad habits just to get by.
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    @swifterresort by the time I found out, I just decided to move on. Removing excess code in the entire codebase and retesting to see if anything broke is just a pain. I personally enjoyed rewriting it because I was able to choose better technologies and I learned better ways to architect it.
  • 1
    Did you specify a code style guide or any code quality metrics, or just want something that worked?

    If the latter, then you can't really complain - you're talking about bottom of the barrel scraping on sites like that, you'll be lucky if most of them ever produce something vaguely functional.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce I think that was the other main issue. There was no linter or prettier set. And being new to most of these technologies didn't help. So I was at the mercy of what the freelancer was capable of because i didn't know myself.
  • 1
    @gagan-suie Yeah, that's a tough gig in that case.

    Then again, if you knew it inside out yourself it'd probably be quicker and easier to do it yourself - so it's a bit of a catch 22.
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