
How many Devranters are in this situation of being paid to do “fake work”?


  • 3
    So the layoffs are flooding the market with shit do nothing workers? lol

    Edit: We had a guy that didn't do anything for like 2 years. He didn't work for big tech, but wow.
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    My project went out live and people are using it. still feels like fake work lol
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    @Demolishun I got laid off as a contractor from one MegaCorp job because of this stuff. I was in a weekly meeting that had 160+ people, and more than half were managers or managers of managers. It's not much better at the smaller firm I'm at. I finally had to negotiate a retainer of minimum hours that I'm guaranteed to be paid for despite sitting around doing nothing all day. They apparently didn't correctly estimate the amount of work they'd have for me to do, but it's a multiple-month contract and they also don't want me to walk away "just in case they need me" for certain things. I'm like...just keep the money coming, guys, and I'll be here.
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    @stackodev I had a job where they didn't keep me busy. I didn't like it.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Yeah, it's a drag that way. You can feel your skills leaking out of your body with every passing day. On the other hand, I had one job where the ratio of projects to me as the only dev lead was overwhelming. It can go bad in the other direction quickly, too.
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    @stackodev As I understand from a recent 1:1 with my manager. The skills we miss and feel are leaking out of our body aren't skills that'll help us get promoted. This my rant saying promotion means doing less of stuff I actually like.
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    No but I'm pretty sure I'm fake paid
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    @electrineer def fake paid lol, same boat here
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    They are preventing their competitors from hiring experts.
  • 2
    You know there are professions that are thousands of years old the require the worker to fake things.
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