
With the billions of dollars Google has, they can't even build a proper file manager for their Android operating system.

The pre-installed file manager on Android OS, codenamed "DocumentsUI", is functionally crippled and lacks the most basic functionality.

First of all, there is no range selection or A-to-B selection of items. If many items need to be selected, each item has to be tapped individually. Meanwhile, ES File Manager had A-to-B selection since at least 2012, back when Android OS was an operating system of freedom, before Android OS got cucked.

As any low-tier mobile app, the file manager by Google also lacks a draggable scroll bar, so long lists have to be scrolled through manually. Even the file manager of Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional has a draggable scroll bar! And Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional was released in 2009! Samsung "My Files" had a draggable scroll bar in 2013 but it was later unexplainably removed.

Its search feature can only search the entire storage, not an individual folder, and lacks filters such as date and file type.

Obviously, as in any terrible Android file manager, after items are selected for copying and moving, tapping "Copy to..." or "Move to..." navigates back to the initial directory rather than staying in the current directory. The user is forced to navigate all the way to the folder with the selected files if the intention was moving files to a sub folder. Any Android file manager that does this automatically qualifies as a low-tier file manager.

The file manager by Google even lacks a "details" feature which shows information such as the exact file size and name and the total size and file count of a folder. Some file managers such as the one by MediaTek are unable to show the details for multiple selected items, which is somewhat forgivable, but the Google file manager does not have a "details" feature to begin with.

Files are always sorted alphabetically after each start. The Google file manager does not memorize if the user selects sorting "by size" or "by last modified". As one might expect, it indeed lacks reverse sorting.

Of course, there is no "open with" feature where the application can be selected manually, and there is no ability to create new blank files, and it lacks tabbed browsing, and does not show the number of files inside folders in list view. ES File Manager (before it became adware in ~2016) has all of these features.

Last but not least, there has been a bug where cancelling a file move operation deletes the source folder without it having been transferred. Presumably it has been patched by now, however, a bug where tapping "cancel" leads to data loss is inexcuseable. It shows the app has not even been properly tested, let alone properly created.


Google could have hired a college student who could have built something better than the scrapyard-worthy "file manager" they have built.

But granted, at least Google's ever-so-terrible file manager does not limit file names to fifty (50) characters like Samsung's TouchWiz file manager, also known as "My Files", did until at least 2016. There is no way to know what went through the head of the programmer who implemented this pointless limitation. Google's file manager also correctly handles file name conflicts by renaming the new files.

Microsoft built a better file manager for their operating system decades earlier than what Google threw together. Microsoft spent more of their money building a proper file manager.

  • 0
    I use total commander. AFAIK it has nothing to do with the tcmd desktop software, but it takes a lot of inspiration from it and adapts the concepts perfectly.
  • 0
    @lorentz Does Total Commander move files directly without copying and then deleting them?

    And does it have range selection?
  • 1
    @exerceo It has glob selection, idk about its move policy because I hardly ever move files greater than 100mb on my phone but within a storage device I think it's just an OS move
  • 1
    It depends on your phone brand, each vendor usually add their own FM
    I have a pixel 6A and a Samsung
    Both built-in FM are fine. There is also Google files

    But I prefer X-plore
    I have been using it since 2010s on my Nokia Symbian smartphones and it works great on Android.
    It even ftp servers and everything. Probably the most complete mobile F.M out there
  • 1
    By very far the most complete FM
  • 0
    @helnux Looks nice! Let's hope Google doesn't break it with the next Android update.
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