
I'm at a hospital waiting and the tv is so loud so I thought I'd find a remote app to turn it down.

I found this app, one with no ads but look at all the damn permissions it needs....

What the hell,

Anyone know a good remote app that doesn't want to steal my identity?

  • 3
    Having a Play Store account, etc. Is your identity even that sacred? I'd just do what you please and then uninstall when the situation is needless
  • 1
    LG got a good one for there own TVs.
  • 3
    Wouldn't it be better to ask someone there if they can turn it down? They might not appreciate people screwing with their stuff
  • 2
    @ItsDuckyyyy emergency ward, where most people are dealing with more important things

    @ctmalloy eh I guess if you want to get down to it but specifically why would a remote need all of this information?

    @azuredivay ah right didn't realize they were that bad, my parents both have xiaomi phones I guess I'll have to purge their phones

    @Artemix thanks I'll give it a try
  • 1
    @-Sam- sure my steam name is the same as my username on here
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