
It's crazy how the USPTO system works.

Legal offices have webhooks to the data coming into the trademark office. So thousands of legal companies know every step of the process you are on and know the email you are using.

These companies immediately create spam messages like

"congratulations on getting approved for step 4, please fill out this final form to be approved for the review process"

Almost got me a few times because I thought it was a message from USPTO.

Obviously you can always hire a lawyer to handle this stuff but if you can traverse a red-black binary search tree. You can fill out some forms.

  • 5
    I mean, I understand the need for legal firms to have a notification mechanism for these kind of things.

    However, abusing that in such a scummy way should be fucking penalized.

    Ideally by shotgun to the face, given it's 'murica and all.
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