ever opened so many windows that switching between them is a mini game?

  • 7
    I recently upgraded from 4gb ram to 12gb and now theirs no slowdown to stop me.
  • 7
    Windows... first thought it was BlackArch Linux because of the red theme :)
  • 3
    also manually edited windows theme file to get a red theme and I am loving it......
  • 4
    no, however having way over 100tabs open in chrome is the usual for me, how I navigate and work of them, oh boi I honestly dont know how sometimes ... that is until my (current since Im way too broke) 8gb of RAM get eaten by chrome since we know chrome eats RAM like nobody business and forcefully crashes
  • 1
    @legionfrontier Try https://github.com/minbrowser/min

    Based on chrome, but can handle hundreds of tabs at the same time.
  • 2
    @legionfrontier switched from chrome to ff for exactly same reason and happy ever since.
  • 0
    @tracktraps maybe I need that because FF is rolling out multi-threaded one and performance is yet to be seen ,and most people who have tried it hate it .
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    @tracktraps it even have dark theme , I am sold.
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    I have a few windows related to task per virtual desktop, I'd recommend using that technique!
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    @inukinator oh I have set up two desktops and there are different windows there but i keep forgetting that virtual desktop exists ( I have really just bean able to open so many windows because ram upgrade, most of the windows are FF anyways with related tabs grouped in windows)
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    @rammmukul I keep saying it: Windows. Linux + 4 GB + Zram = everything runs smoothly. I have 64 GB of RAM, but I had 4 GB before. Not really much of a difference.
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    @tracktraps i keep trying Linux and keep coming back to windows guess my workflow is too suited for windows.(or maybe i am just an idiot)
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    maybe just because of my hardware choice but i have never had a stable linux install , or atleast got every thing working smoothly (lenovo laptop not designed for linux with nvedia gpu)
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    @rammmukul TL;DR: If Windows works for your current workflow then keep using it for now.
    Long Ver:
    Funny enough when I first started using Gnu/Linux almost 10 years ago was in hardware that was "damaged" in a way windows XP couldnt run on it (just forget about even running Vista on it specially being resources hungry) ... sure you got the proprietary drivers properly installed in your distro? now I think still Windows is ok, I understand that some stuff you just *cant* WINE it, I remember years ago in the Android 2.x days when develop apps on windows gave you some happy good times on it /s, so better do it on a Gnu/Linux distro
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    @rammmukul I have a Lenovo (Thinkpad) and Arch Linux runs great on it.
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    @rammmukul Try Antergos.
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    @tracktraps oh thinkpads are targeted to professionals I have Z50-70 which is kinda not.
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    @tracktraps hahahaha see my previous rant.
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    @legionfrontier yah i fell in love with it ,I think ubuntu 10.4 or something near that before unity and gnome 3 days.
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    @rammmukul personally I use from time to time Kubuntu (yeah Im still a Ubuntu user, Im not a 1337 HaX0r that builds/uses Gentoo yet) for that "windows"-like familiar feeling
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    kubuntu it is on my machine ,its great.
    while I don't want gnome vs kde war but gnome 3 interface is absolutely crap for trackpad interface.
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    @rammmukul Are you kidding me? I have a crappy Thinkpad Edge. I don't buy expensive laptops. It just has to do what I need to work. And the Thinkpad Edge is perfect for my needs. Cheap. Reasonable screen. Very good keyboard. If it breaks, it won't hurt and I'll buy a new one.
  • 2
    Oh my god, that theme is a crime against nature.
  • 1
    You are one of the few guys (including me) who uses the multi-desktop feature!
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    @nicrob64 hahahaha
    yes it is and i am a criminal.
    but better lose aesthetics then your sleep or eye sight.
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    @tracktraps I ment that (though i have no idea)maybe thinkpad uses hardware whose drivers are avilable on linux.
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    Been there done that in a triple screen setup
  • 3
    It's a great opportunity to let you know that this is annoying for us too, we have hard time following what window you are working on.
    Please consider closing unused windows.

    Sincerely yours.

    The NSA.
  • 0
    @the-nsa get some better tracking software mate and also when you do give us a reminder on our last window using an red dot or something
  • 1
    @rammmukul you're not an idiot, this is what many seems to think of Windows users so don't fall for it.
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