
Now im eating some cheap food. Holy shit how GOOD it feels to eat food. I cant believe as a software engineer with computer science degree earning $3.75 usd an hour feels so good to eat some cheap food

  • 4
    Probably missing people skills

    If you are REALLY good, 100 USD / hour is an easy find.
  • 1
    I've had a ten euro pizza today just here on the park, 20 euro sigarettes (0,40/si ffs) and around ten euro beer. 40,- expenses.

    We got some cheap stores here. If you go there you'll really see it in end of month and there's nothing wrong with quality (in exception of beer) only the stores are meh. Talking about Aldi / Lidl btw. Tbh, everyone should go there
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    @NoToJavaScript I know dutch God programmers making waii less
  • 1
    @retoor I'll pass :) Just bought my appartement 2.5 years ago (yep during covid, best rate you can have ! 1.9% !!!). I'm not moving :)
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    @NoToJavaScript I hope not by C# on windows shenanigans. How could you!
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    @retoor well, all my c# code runs also on linux and mac :)

    I moved ALL 9Except one) entreprise projects to .net 6 ans some to .net 7.

    Only one stays at 4.6.... Can't move it
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    @NoToJavaScript I've read that c# code runs 25% faster on linux and uses 30% less memory or so. When doing something very recurrent like factorial shit or so it even beats c/c++ ive seen in a yt vid. But I wrote a complete poker simulator in all three languages - c beated c++ by 4 times and c# by six or so in case of complete application. It was great to build! Ive learned so much. It simulatie thousand poker games in 0.3 seconds. Conclusion: always go to second round and don't worry about your hand that much. Poker is pure stamina and playing many hands and thus losing a lot as well. I'm a great online player now
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    @retoor how does somebody write C++ so bad that C beats it by 4x?
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    @Demolishun many ways. At the beginning I had for(x : y) instead of (&x :y) for example. So it did a cpy object in background and I the whole project is card loops and recursion
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    @retoor with Qt you have to be careful with for loops as for could detach a Qt container and cause entire object copy. With std::vector it is not an issue. But yeah, references help.
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    @Demolishun ive studied c++ quite well but just the wrong book but it's a famous one. Ill look for ya
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    @retoor I think processors have gotten good enough I probably don't know how shitty my code is these days.
  • 3
    @retoor Don't talk about poker ! I have a PTSD

    Around 12 yars ago I did create a poker bot for "one of the biggest online poker rooms".

    It worked by image recongnition (No reads in memory, so less detectable)

    I missed only couple of infosI couldn't read on the table

    And even then, "only" 1% loss. Which comes out positive with rake and bonuses.

    And then, they changed visual style. I didn't want to redo all image recognition work, so stoped.

    It was playing "Small hand" strategy with 10xBB maximum. Once it gotr 50% or more, it left the table and join a new one with only 10 BB
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    Not a good book for basics. I shouldve read c++ in 24hrs or smth. But my c++ interest dropped a bit since I became good in C OO using structs and function pointers and I'm quite disciplined to maintain project structure. I'm also not too lazy to type a bit. Btw, this morning wrote a tree with values in it. How long you think incrementing a value took? 0.000002 secs. I love this power. Sadly resulted in a kill process by kernel. I want to make this btree default for the programming language I'm writing. Since I read Crafting interpreters I'm in the zone and barely not sleeping. Best feeling ever. The book is also available in the gh repo of Crafting interpreters for free
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript so cool! That was my original plan, to write a bit but then - I should have learn poker first and then i used the simulator to learn. My conclusion is that it requires too much patience, hands and luck is a bit too big factor for me. You can only steer small part of game and should do that right and play A lot. When you type pokerbot on Google, first github hit, it also does imagine recognition for pokerstars. Written in.net I think. Did you write it in C#?
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    @retoor I think I read version 2 or 3 of that years ago.
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    @Demolishun but from all books - this advanced fucker learned me regex. So got that going on. What's a book you recommend? Preferably OO basics included
  • 4
    Food is unhealthy, it can kill you!
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    @retoor I don't know. I have Bjarnes C++ 11 book. I also have a book about applying some of the gang of four algos to gaming. I need to look that one up. It is interesting. I have another called Functional Programming in C++. That is interesting too. I get on r/cpp and and there is some interesting topics there. I also get on the Qt forums. I think I am more of a Qt programmer and not a C++ programmer anymore.
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    @electrineer and could be made by pedos
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    Regarding optimization: Matt Parker‘s python code was improved by 4 million %. You might find it interesting. :)

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    @electrineer it's one of the leading forms of addiction alongside water and air.

    Going a few days cold turkey is fatal for these people.

    They should be doing more to curb this sort of addiction
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    God, your pathetic.
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    @jassole did you see dem Trump speech tonight? He was on fire
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    @Alexanderr just ensure a few kilo pasta in dem house
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    @retoor who is Trump?. Sounds familiar name.
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    @NoToJavaScript only whores 😂
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    @retoor I am now a citizen of different country. And American problems doesn't concern me. I'd like to leave American politics mentally, its just a distraction.
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